65. A Plan To Know The Truth(Season 3)

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Mahira's POV:

Mahira: No no no, I will not ask that bandar for help... And this is a stupid plan...

Janvi and her stupid plan... First we are doubting Karan without any reason, and Janvi is trusting that Aloo... Why she is not understanding that he wants to create misunderstandings between her and Karan, so that their relationship will break and that Aloo will get Janvi... No I won't let this happen, but it is important to clear Janvi's doubts or else she will keep doubting on him... Janvi said...

Janvi: what is stupid in my plan... It is a best plan...

Mahira: seriously Janvi you want to make that Siddharth, Prithvi's spirit and he will scare Karan and Karan will tell everything... Impossible...

Pritha: by the way the plan is not stupid at all Mahira... You know Karan Bhai afraid of these ghosts and spirit things... I remember when me and Dadabhai was was small, we disguised ourselves as ghosts and scared him... You know he got fever and for two days he was on his bed... Dajiraj was very angry on me and Dadabhai... And that's why Rao Ji called him Fattu...

Mahira: but that time you guys were small, and now Karan is big enough to know and understand everything...

Janvi: no Mahira he is not... You know na I love to watch horror movies but whenever I asked him to watch it he always makes any excuse and didn't watch it... I am telling you this plan is perfect...

Mahira: but-....

Gayatri: Mahira if they wants to try then let them try once... Or else their doubts will not clear...

Mahira: fine I will talk with that bandar...

Janvi: go to your room and talk with him and ask him to come tomorrow morning... Now go Karan may be coming back to home...

I nodded and went to my room... I saw the timing it was ten... Should I called him now???... May be he is sleeping... I think I should call him once, if he received the call then it's ok or else I will call him early in the morning... I call him, his phone was ringing... He pick up the call, and before I say hello I heard some weird noises... "Ahhh Sid... You are so good... Fuck me harder baby... Ahhh... Wait a minute babes, let me attend the call... Till then fuck yourself..." Chiii he was making out and received the call... Yuck... "Where is my boxer... Ah there it is..." I can't hear it anymore... He said...

Sid: hello... Who is it???...

Mahira: finish your make out session then I will call you...

Sid: hey sweetheart you called me, what a pleasant surprise... Tell me how can I help you...

Mahira: how did you know that I called you due to some work...

Sid: obviously you didn't love me, so there is some work that's why you called me in night... So tell me...

Mahira: I thought you don't have brains...

Sid: to understand girls, I don't need brains...

I rolled my eyes and said...

Mahira: OK I have some work with you but I can't tell you in the phone... Meet tomorrow at 10am in our resort...

Sid: for that you need to take appointment Miss... I am not a free guy who have lots of time to give you...

Mahira: I thought Siddharth Nigam didn't say No to girls...

Sid: yeah that's true but not a girl like you who have lots of attitude...

Mahira: OK not for me but come for Pragati... She was missing you...

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