70. Fighting Against The Evil (Season 3)

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Vaishu: what is going on here Abhi???...

Everyone became the hostages of Karan and Rohan... The Royal family is in shock, sad and heartbroken... But the Nigams are shock, confused and worried... They were praying to get a way out of here... Vaishu was continuously asking what is happening here... Sweety Meethi was consoling her...

Sweety: Di why you are asking Abhi Bhaiya, how will he knows what's happening here...

Meethi: but I was thinking who was that guy in the video who looks exactly like Sid???...

Vaishu: I was thinking the same... But right now I was thinking how to contact Sid so that he didn't come here and send a police team so that they can rescue us...

Ashi: thank god Sid is not here, if we are scared after seeing these guns and goons than I don't know what will be his reaction on it...

Anu: Reaction!!!... He would have been fainted till now...

Randeep: then we should be confused what to do, we should save him or ourselves...

Bhavesh: I wish he didn't came here or else everyone will be in trouble because he is a troublemaker...

Vaishu: stop it guys stop making fun of him...

Sweety: we are not making fun Di... He put us in this danger and ran away from here...

Ana: Sweety he didn't know anything about it... He was on his shoots, how will he knows what's happening here... And most importantly he loves his family a lot...

Vaishu: Ana is right... Abhi why you are silent???...

Abhi: so what you are expecting me do, Bhangra☝️👆... I am already tensed don't ask me anything now...

Ana: well Dev you are also quite... Every time you fight with me now what happened???...

Dev: so in this situation you want me to fight with you, seriously Ana... I think your brains are in your knees...

Ana: you-...

Dev: me...

Here Karan was waiting for the call... He look at Alvin and said...

Karan: so finally you have show her the video right... I was fulfilling your demands than why, why you did this...

Janvi: I think for the first time on his life he has done something good...

Alvin: what you are saying Janvi... I didn't do anything ka... Karan... I Los... Lost my phone... And I don't know how Janvi got it... I am saying the truth...

Karan: as if I trust you... You are alive just because of your father or else I would have been killed you till now...

Rohan: Karan please calm down, and it is good that they gets to know the truth... Now we can kill them without any problem...

Karan: yeah you are right... I am just waiting for the phone call...

Mahira: you are disgusting Karan, backstabbing Sher and get his properties was not enough for you that you want to kill everyone... Why???... Why you are doing this...

Karan: Mahira I am not in a mood to listen to your roona dhona ok... So just keep quiet...

Pritha: we will not, if we will keep quiet then also you will kill us and if we will keep cursing you than also you will kill us... Thank god Pragati has gone for the summer camp with her friends or else I don't know what would happened to her innocent heart...

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