67. The Fake Couple (Season 3)

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Next Day:

Sid's POV:

Finally, finally I got a chance to teach Mahira a lesson... What did she thinks about herself, she will insult me and I will not do anything... No never, and I am doing this not just to take revenge from Mahira but to save my family also...

Yeah when Karan told me everything, I can sense danger... He was talking about killing also, because of Mahira and her family I can't risk my own family... I know he is a dangerous guy, and if I said no to him he may kill me and my family... I can't take a risk... Sorry Mahira my plan was just to spend a night with you but because of Karan I have to marry you...

But there is my profit in it, after marrying you, I will become a King because Karan will kill Mahira's brother... And that Alvin want Janvi, I will help him, but when he will about to get Janvi, I will tell everything to Karan so that Karan will save Janvi... And in this process Karan will kill Alvin for sure and then only I will left to become the King because I will be Mahira's so called husband... It is not a bad deal... Now I have to tell these things to Rohan, he can help me in this... After all he also wants his profits... I call Rohan...

Sid: hi Rohan... Sid here...

Rohan: oh hi Sid how are you???...

Sid: I am fine... Actually I want to meet you to discuss something but not in front of Karan and Alvin... Can you tell me where should I come???...

Rohan: what happened everything is fine na???...

Sid: yeah everything is fine, actually better... I want to discuss something in which there will be our profit... Huge profit...

Rohan: OK fine... Come to my place at night, I will send you the address...

Sid: OK then meet you at night... Bye...

Rohan: bye...

Finally I will get the profit which I want... Suddenly I got a call from Mahira... I received it...

Mahira: hello...

Sid: yeah what happened???...

Mahira: listen to me carefully, my Dadabhai wants to meet you... So please come fast...

Sid: I am in my office... As I have told you I am not a free guy...

Mahira: well I think you have forgot that you have made me your fake girlfriend... But I didn't tell my Dadabhai that we are in a fake relationship... I know him, he will never allow me to be your fake girlfriend... So please come here as soon as possible...

Sid: OK fine I am coming...

I cut the call... Now why her brother wants to meet me, I hope everything is fine... I have to inform Dev and Ana so that they will handle everything here... I went to Ana's cabin when I saw an unbelievable scene, Dev was holding Ana from her waist and they were lost into each other's eyes...

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