The Union can't do anything right (CrAcK fIc)

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~(Requested by Lover of Crack Fics on Ao3. Sorry it took so long to get out. Anyways this was really fun to write. If I had to say there was any ship in this it would be...all of them? This is just pure chaos aight? So yeah leave requests and/or constructive criticism and I hope you enjoy!)~

     This was getting annoying. He didn't have time to deal with both Manwol and Eunjang.  And thus Donald declared that one of them needed to go. So tonight he would be getting rid of Eunjang. He had their walking routes and supposedly, Ben Park and Gray Yeon were walking on the same path for a little over 800 meters. Perfect. Two birds with one stone. Little did he know that there was a change of plans within the Eunjang gang, and the White Mamba would instead be walking by himself.  So therefore his back up would be unnecessary. Maybe.

     He had brought the four Union heads and Kingsley to help him execute his plan. He would bring Wolf and Jimmy with him to fight Ben Park and Gray Yeon. Well they weren't actually going to be doing the fighting, they were there so Donald show them his strength and their weakness by taking Ben and Gray down. Since Jimmy got beaten by Ben (twice! What a loser!) and Wolf got beat by Gray it was the perfect opportunity to make an example of them.

     As for the rest he had sent Kingsley and Jake to go for the green-haired Mad Hound, and the little brat who was always with Ben, Alex Go. He knew Kingsley could easily take down the brat and Jake had already fought Gerard (that was his name right?) before and won so everything should go smoothly over there. 'Should go' being the keywords because Donald didn't account for a sudden change of plans. And of course he sent Forrest (who brought along Sam Lee), to take care of the blondie, that elbow bitch, and the nerd. They were just a bunch of losers so it shouldn't take them long. And when they were done he told them to meet him at the spot where he would beat Ben and Gray, so he could remind everyone of his strength.

     That was his plan. A rather good one too, if he did say so himself. Of course, this is a fanfic, so everything doesn't go according to plan.

     As they waited in the shadows for the pair, Donald heard footsteps approaching. He smiled to himself. Finally it was time to get rid of the Eunjang bastards once and for all. But there was something strange the sound of footsteps. They were too light and too few, as if-

      "Isn't there supposed to be two of-?"

     "What is he wearing?!"

     Right as Wolf was about to ask the question Donald was wondering, Jimmy cut him off. And what was that idiot going on about anyways why- Oh. Good Lord.

     When he caught sight of Jimmy's outburst two things stood out to him. One, it was Gray Yeon, the White Mamba, and just him. He was alone which meant Ben Park was somewhere else, or with one of the other groups. Two, he was wearing short shorts and light pink hoodie with bunny ears. On the hood. And he had the hood up. Despite knowing what this (cute) bastard was capable of, all three teens couldn't help but gawk at his adorableness.

At this point Gray had spotted the trio and was glaring at them in a feeble attempt to look intimidating. All that glare was doing for him was making him look like a upset child, pouting because they didn't get dessert. The other two were having...similar thoughts. More or less.

Wolf, who usually hated that glare, found it rather funny? Cute? But like in a sadistic way. Was sadistic the right word? Maybe vicious? This can't possibly be the same bastard who destroyed him on the roof right? To describe what he was feeling he would say it was like a predator and prey. Like he was a big wolf and could hunt down this cute bunny before him if he really wanted to. But something made him not want to. Or maybe he did but.... There was too many maybes in Wolf's head to make him think straight (pun intended).

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