Darwin's and Kyoshi's, but they are in Florida

13 2 0

Black: We made it idiots.

Kyoshi: S H U T

Black: N O  U


Black: 😆

Darwin: Good grief......

Everyone else: True.


Shadow DARWIN: P O G 

Black: I K R

HV Kyoshi and HV Darwin: =/

Darwin: ikr

Black: S H U T  I T  Y O U  B O T H !

Kyoshi: N O  Y O U  B)


Darwin (Heaven): Oh, good grief.....

Kyoshi: That's true.

Kyoshi (Heaven): yep.

Darwin: yes, ez

Deku: Yeah! :D

Kai: YEAH- uh, what?

Darwin (Cursed): "facepalms"

Magic: ez florida trip ngl B)

Kyoshi: Oh here comes, the YBA (Your Bizarre Adventure) Vibes.

Darwin: You mean that ROBLOX game?

Kyoshi: Yeah lmao

Magic: I can beat all of you at it.

Black: Oh really now? What stand do you have on it?

Magic: Made in Heaven, and The World: Over Heaven, I also have all the corpse parts.

Black: o-oh, nvm.

Magic: ez B)

Darwin: I have SP:TW and KCR on it.

Magic: KCR is bad, and SP:TW can get all it's moves parried. (perfect blocked)

Darwin: At least it has beatdown B)

Magic: True.

Kyoshi: I have Tusk Act 4 and D4C on it.

HV Darwin: Nice.

Magic: Tusk Act 4 is pretty good, ngl.

HV Darwin: Yeah, that's true, and where are we even heading to?

Black: Disneyland, b***h.

Darwin (Cursed): Hoo....

Darwin: Nah, we are going to the beach.

Black: Fine, we are near one right now.

Kyoshi: Which one!

Black: Pensacola Beach.

Darwin: My creator went there.

Me: Yeah!

Darwin: Did I nail it?


Kyoshi (Heaven): I have all the requiem stands and heaven stands on YBA.

Darwin (Heaven): Same.

Everyone who plays YBA: h o w ?

Darwin (Heaven) and Kyoshi (Heaven): Reality Overwrite B)

Magic: Oh, I guess that explains it.

Black: Pack your bags, time to play in the sand!

To be continued...........

(CRINGE AS FUCK) an average scenario book for beyblade burst, with an OC.Where stories live. Discover now