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It's been a year since the finale of SPoP, and nearly a year since I published my first ever fanfiction for the series. I didn't think I'd be making a sequel. This project has become so deeply personal to me, and it's been both challenging and cathartic to continue the story. The way I write Entrapta, and to a lesser extent Hordak, is heavily influenced by my experiences as an autistic ace and my struggles with internalized ableism. I know my experiences are not the same as everyone's, and I did my best to tackle the subject in a sensitive manner.

Huge thanks to my beta readers JoyeEverett715, CosmiqueAliene, and TheDapperCritter! Your feedback has been invaluable.

This isn't meant to be a fix-it fic, but as I wrote I found myself tweaking more and more little things from canon, and some of those differences ended up snowballing into bigger changes than I initially planned. I hope it's a worthy sequel.

Happy reading!

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