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Her eyelids were heavy. Not long ago, her head began to ache with weariness. Still Spinnerella refused to close her eyes for more than a moment. The night was quiet and peaceful as she lay sleepless in Netossa's arms, resting in the soft security of her embrace, yet the worry was still there.

This doesn't feel real . She touched her wife's hand, feeling the warmth of her skin. It feels like, if I close my eyes, everything will disappear.

"How many bots have you destroyed?" she asked, trying to keep her voice light. "I should know what I have to catch up to."

"I... haven't been counting," Netossa admitted. "It hardly seemed fair, getting a head start like that."

It was deeply comforting to hear the sound of Netossa's voice, gentle words spoken for only the two of them to hear. One more confirmation of the truth. "That's kind of you. Tomorrow you might regret it."

Netossa laughed gently. "I don't think so. Especially if you won't go to sleep." She paused. "You should rest, you know."

Spinny sighed, not knowing quite what to say. She was free now, yet the persistent floaty feeling of unreality remained, and hiding beneath was a deep well of terror. The nightmare wasn't over.

"I don't know what I'll see when I close my eyes," she said. She didn't want to worry her wife, but there was no use hiding the truth. "I can't stop thinking about it."

"Oh Spinny..." Netossa pulled her closer. "Do you need to talk about it?"

Spinny shook her head. "I don't know. I can't... remember much. It's all broken up, and sometimes when I try to concentrate too hard, it slips away."

"Mm." She felt Netossa nod gently.

"I remember seeing your face," Spinny continued. "You looked so scared, but I couldn't reach out to you. I couldn't say anything. I knew something terrible was about to happen, but I couldn't move!" She shuddered, drawing her arm to her chest. "I... I don't know what I did, and I'm scared to remember more."

"It's okay," Netossa soothed, still holding her firmly. "It wasn't your fault."

"The one thing I can't forget is the noise. It never stopped." Shaking her head, Spinny brought her hand to rest over her ear. "I felt like I was going mad!"

"It can't reach you anymore. You won't ever have to hear it again."

"Thank the moons." Spinny closed her eyes for one small moment of reprieve, but just as before, she did not allow herself to drift to sleep. Though the chip was gone, she could still hear an echo of the droning sound in her memories. It won't last forever, she told herself. It will fade away. Please let it fade...

"I don't know how the clones can stand it," she said suddenly. "I can't imagine living with that sound in my thoughts every waking hour."

"I guess if they don't know any differently, it would feel natural," Netossa mused. "That new clone Entrapta was studying, he started freaking out when he was disconnected from the Hivemind. Horde Prime is like a god to them. Maybe they see it as a kind of blessing?"

Spinny shook her head. "It's torture."

"Maybe it's best not to think about it anymore. The chip's gone now, and Horde Prime is never getting his hands on you again. He's going to regret the day he even glanced at Etheria."

Spinny smiled warmly, her spirits lifted by the quiet fire in Netossa's voice. Her eyes drifted shut again. It was getting harder to force herself to stay awake. Eventually she would have to surrender. She didn't want to relive the terror of being trapped, helpless as her body was puppeted by another. No one deserved that. "What will happen to them when this is over?" she asked.

"To who?"

"The clones," Spinny murmured. "There are thousands of them."

"I'm not sure."

"Why do you think he has clones, anyway? Why not an army of machines? He has the tech... I know he does."

Netossa was silent for a long moment. "Spinny, maybe we should talk about this in the morning after you get some sleep."

"I'm sorry, I just... can't stop thinking about it." Thoughts of the clones confused her, and beneath that was a sorrow she had yet to fully grasp. "If we defeat Prime, what happens to his army? Do you think they'll keep on fighting?"

"I don't know. Some probably will. I guess we'll see what happens with our 'newest' member and how he adjusts."

"Mm." Spinny nodded sleepily. I haven't seen him yet... tomorrow, I will.

Netossa chuckled, kissing the top of her head. "Please get some rest now," she said softly. "I'll look out for you."

Spinny smiled. I love you, dearest.

She did not have the energy to voice it aloud, but she was sure Netossa knew what she wanted to say. There was no need to speak the words. Finally, with the warmth of love in her heart, Spinny allowed herself to drift off to sleep.

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