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Bow sat on the floor, rubbing his head where he had struck the edge of the console during their rough landing. He could vaguely hear Adora and Glimmer talking in raised voices, which only made his headache worse. It sounded as if they were arguing.

"That's enough!" He exclaimed, standing up. Dizzy from the sudden movement, he lurched forward and had to catch himself on the console. His two friends went silent. "Thank you!"

Still holding his head, Bow marched over to the two of them. "Now is not the time for fighting," he said sternly. "We've just landed on an unknown planet, and our only chance of getting back out alive is to work together."

"Guess we're all doomed, then."

Bow whirled around. "If you don't have anything productive to say, Catra, keep out of it."

Catra scowled at him and shrugged, folding her arms. Bow found his hand going to his pocket where he could feel the outline of the chip he'd taken from her neck. It was hard for Bow to trust Catra, even knowing she was free of the chip. Adora vouched for her, and for now he would trust his friend, but he still thought caution was best. For her part, Catra hadn't caused any real trouble since the chip had been removed. It seemed most of the fire had gone out of her. Bow was reminded of how Glimmer was when she first arrived on the ship after escaping Horde Prime. Scarred.

Shaking his still sore head, he turned away and went to the pilot chair. "Darla, damage report."

"Hull integrity at seventy two percent," the ship intoned. "Starboard landing apparatus critically damaged. Energy systems at sixty percent."

"I guess that's why everything looks tilted outside," Adora mused. "Oops."

Bow sighed, rubbing his temples. "We'll deal with the landing gear later. First, we need to make sure the internal systems are working."

"Is that... a Horde tower?"

Bow looked up, peering outside. He had to tilt his head to get a good view. Sure enough, a small distance away, the crumbling remains of a Horde tower rose up from the dark rocks. "Yeah, I see it too."

Glimmer drew close to him. He expected to feel the familiar touch of her hand on his arm, but instead she held back. "What does that mean?" she asked fearfully.

"It means the Horde was here, princess," Catra muttered.

"I know that," Glimmer snapped. "But if that tower can still see us, it's not safe to stay here."

Catra scowled. Her hand rose up to touch the back of her neck. "There's no one in that tower anymore. The Horde hasn't been here for a long time."

Adora approached Catra with a worried frown. "You sound as if you know. Did you... have you seen this place?"

"Just... flashes," Catra admitted. "I think there's something here Prime doesn't want anyone else to know."

Everyone took a long look at the tower. It seemed ancient and faded, not quite the same design as the ones Bow remembered from Etheria. There were no signs of a battle here. Everywhere the landscape looked broken and dead.

"I think we should take a closer look," Adora volunteered.

"No," Bow countered. He did his best to keep his voice level and calm. "I don't think any of us should go wandering around an unknown planet. We need to make our repairs and get out of here."

"I'm with Bow," said Glimmer. "This place gives me the creeps. I think I saw something moving outside!"

Bow immediately moved closer to the window, trying to keep his mounting panic under control. "Where? Was it by the tower?"

"No, it was closer to us. I think it was... there." She pointed to a large hollow between the jagged rocks.

Peering out into the gloom, Bow couldn't see anything. He turned back to Glimmer, and for a brief moment their current predicament was brushed aside at the sight of his childhood friend so afraid. Almost unconsciously, he reached out to take her hand. Her fingers were concerningly cold. "What did you see exactly?"

"I don't know," she admitted. "I saw a shadow move, and then as soon as I turned to look, it was gone. Wait, there it was again!"

This time Bow saw it too. A wavering shadow, just on the edge of his vision. He shivered. "Maybe it was just the wind moving some rocks?" he suggested in a small voice.

Glimmer huddled close to him, grabbing his arm with her other hand. "I don't think so, Bow. It was way too big for that!"

"Guys, are you seeing --?" Bow turned and cut off with a squeak of panic. Both Adora and Catra were gone.

"Di-did you see what happened to Adora and Catra?"

"I can't believe this is happening right now!" Glimmer's grip on Bow's arm was painfully tight. "We're being attacked by ghost aliens, and now they have our friend!"

Bow took several deep breaths. "No. No, I'm sure there's a good explanation for all this. They probably just went to -- Aagh!"

Adora and Catra had now reappeared. The only issue, they were outside the ship.

"What are they doing ?" Bow fumbled around for his communicator. When he finally found it, he jammed it into his ear with unnecessary force. "Adora! Get back on the ship right now!"

"Not until we find out what that thing was," Adora replied.

"Are you crazy? Get back to the ship!"

This time Adora said nothing.

"Bow," Glimmer was tugging at his hand. "Bow, it's back..."

Bow was speechless with horror. He was now getting his first good look at the creature outside. It was tall, catlike, with a bristling red mane and glowing angry eyes. Adora and Catra saw it too, and stopped, frozen. Bow didn't know what to do. It was too late for them to run back to Darla. That thing would catch them before they could even get halfway. The staff in Adora's hand looked like a toothpick in the face of the monster.

The creature stopped its advance. The red mane smoothed, shifting to a translucent blue, and it tilted its head at the two young women.

"Bow, can you see this?" Adora whispered. "It's just... staring."

"Maybe for now, but any second you could be lunch," Bow whispered back fiercely. "You need to get out of there. Back up toward the ship slowly, and if it attacks, run!"

The creature took another step toward them. Adora raised her staff, and it bared its teeth in a fierce snarl, bristling red once again. This time Catra pushed the staff down, stepping in front of Adora. The creature seemed to understand this. It calmed again, stretching its head forward as if it wanted to sniff Catra.

Bow closed his eyes, unable to look. Whatever Catra had done in her life, he couldn't bear to stand and watch her get eaten.

Glimmer gasped. That's it, thought Bow. It's caught Catra, and now Adora's trying to fight it. Why doesn't anyone listen to me?

"Bow, that thing, it got smaller," said Glimmer. "It's... letting Catra pet it."

"It what?" Bow peeled open one eye. Sure enough, the creature was now only half the size it had been, and Catra was stroking its head.

"Adora, what's happening down there?" Bow asked tentatively.

"I'm not sure," Adora replied. "It seems like --"

Catra made a motion to shush her.

"Sorry," Adora whispered, moving a few steps away. "It seems like it's talking to Catra. I don't know how she can understand it, but... it's trying to communicate."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Bow explained the situation to Glimmer. "That's good, isn't it?" Glimmer pointed out. "Maybe it can tell us what happened here."

Bow nodded slowly, barely containing a groan. Wonderful. A talking cat alien that knows about the Horde... What in the universe have we gotten ourselves into now?

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