VIII: Loss

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Entrapta woke to a roar of noise. The first thing she saw was Hordak crouched over her, his eyes on the entrance of the tent, his body shielding her from anything that might enter. His voice was a low growl. "They are here."

Twisting around to reach PEArL, Entrapta got up immediately. She hardly felt the jolt as the neural ports connected, already concentrating on reaching out with her limbs to draw her shoes and gloves to her. The tingling of her scalp quieted as she tied her hair back. Hordak was already halfway into his armor, and Entrapta helped him the rest of the way. Her heart was pumping fast in anticipation of their first battle.

The ground beneath them shook with the force of an explosion, and a bloom of light shone through the fabric of the tent. Emily beeped in alarm. She scuttled around the two of them, her single purple eye looking every which way.

"Aah, hang on, hang on!" Entrapta hooked her blaster onto her belt and rushed to her workbench, now empty except for her own computer and Bow's. Last night she had set up a portable computer system to Bow's larger device, transferring the data so they could leave the less efficient system behind. The transfer was not yet complete. Entrapta stared at the small sliver of space at the end of the status bar. They couldn't leave, not yet.

Scorpia burst into the tent, Kadroh close behind her. "Guys, we've gotta go! Now!"

"Almost there!" Entrapta did not even look up. Another explosion shook the earth.

"Entrapta," Hordak began. She could feel him very close to her, but he did not put a hand on her arm or otherwise disturb her. All this work would be wasted if she had to leave it behind. They did not have the time to start over.

Entrapta's fingers were flying across the keyboard at record speed. "I know, I know, I'm nearly done... almost... there!"

She folded the computer screen down over the keyboard and held it aloft. "Let's go!"

They emerged from the tent to utter chaos. Etherians were fleeing in all directions, pursued by an advancing mass of Horde robots and clone soldiers. The air was loud with laser fire and screams. Entrapta hunched her shoulders, wishing she could block her ears, but she clutched both arms protectively over her computer as she ran on through the crowd. Hordak was just ahead of her, and she assumed Scorpia, Kadroh, and Emily were close behind, until --

"Brothers, why do you attack? What is--?"

His voice cut off in a sharp cry. Entrapta skidded to a halt and whirled around. Kadroh was crumpled on the ground, and several clones were advancing on him.

"Entrapta," Hordak called to her through the din, "We cannot go back!"

Entrapta was not listening. She was already back at Kadroh's side, grabbing hold of his arm in an attempt to help him up. "I've got you," she said, "come on!"

Kadroh staggered to his feet. His green eyes were wide and staring, his ears tilted low. Pain or shock, likely both. Entrapta kept a firm hold on him and turned to run. Hordak was by her side, firing into the line of Horde soldiers to keep them back.

"Let's go," she called, tugging on Kadroh's arm. He didn't move.

Entrapta glanced back in concern. "What's wrong? Are you--?"

Then she saw the blood.

The ground erupted beneath them. Entrapta found herself flying through the air. Her back struck against a tree with bruising force, and she tumbled to the ground, ears ringing. She tried to pick herself up, only for a blaze of pain to drop her back to the ground. The ports that connected PEArL to her back were cushioned to prevent damage from impacts such as these, but something must have gone wrong.

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