The second 9 tails attack

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(Sasuke's POV)

Sasuke's hoverboard was just about to run out of juice, so he decided he would turn back and go home.

As he hoverboarded down the street, he imagined what it would feel like to bust inside of that 4'9 traffic cone with ADHD's chunky scrumptiolicious dumptruck.

It was getting hot in his turtleneck, so he decided to stop by the swing set for a break. He placed his hoverboard against the trunk and went to sit down.

There was a bowl of ramen on the swing.
How strange. But Sasuke was tired and needed somewhere to sit.

Sasuke kicked the ramen onto the ground and sat his cheeks down.

The bowl shattered in a thousand pieces, and the contents spilled on the roots of the tree.
But Sasuke thought nothing of it.

He heard a scream. "Sasuke, what are you doing?" A black-haired girl was running towards him. Her light-up Sketchers flashed every time her feet hit the ground.

"That bowl of ramen was very important to Naruto-kun!" She screamed in a high-pitched voice.

"Dude, this is the first time you've spoken to me in the entire series," Sasuke noted.
"You're that creepy girl from class, right? What was your name again? Himalaya?"

"You're not listening to me, Sasuke-kun!" she gasped. "That bowl of ramen you just knocked over was Naruto's girlfriend!"

"Well good," Sasuke said, not taking her seriously. "Now he's single and ready to mingle."

"Stop and listen! This is serious! You've got to do something before Naruto-" she stopped talking.

Her face turned pink and she put her hands like this 👉🏻👈🏻

"Na-naruto-kun," she said. Sasuke could practically smell that fish coochie from where he was.

Then he heard footsteps behind him.

"Before I what?" Naruto asked, walking over, his blonde hair swaying in the breeze.

Sasuke began to feel a little tingly himself.

"Usuratonkachi, Himalaya or Hippopotamus or whatever her name is thinks I killed your girlfriend. But she's obviously lying so come sit down on my lap and play with my-"

"You killed my WHAT?????" Naruto sees the remains of ramen on the ground. For a second, he stands there, breathing heavily.

And then his eyes turn red.

Naruto x Ramen smutWhere stories live. Discover now