»when you catch them staring.

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-doesn't realise you've caught him staring until he snaps back into reality after daydreaming about you.
-his eyes widen from embarrassment and quickly looks elsewhere.
-his face turns red, he lowkey gets annoyed with himself for staring so long as he feels he might've lost his chance from coming off kind of creepy.

-smirks before looking somewhere else.
-inside he's a little flustered but plays it cool on the outside.
-tries to make it seem like you were the one staring and him looking away smiling.
-doesn't get embarrassed or shy as he hopes this makes you realise he's into you.

-smiles at you sweetly but confidently.
-tries to hide the fact he was actually admiring your features by looking overly friendly.
-uses this in hopes of you thinking he's a super kind person, hopefully being able to get closer to you.
-can't stop thinking about it later on.

-lowkey gives a cold stare accidentally, as he freaks out on the spot and quickly looks away pretending it didn't happen.
-blushes after, replaying what just happened in his head.
-gets a little annoyed at himself as he wish he would've smiled or atleast not come off so blunt, also worried he's lost his chance with you.

-looks away like nothing happened.
-gets very embarrassed and starts to blush.
-imagining the situation afterwards, wishing it went other ways instead of how it did.
-gets a little hyper and giddy afterwards, realising this could've been his sign to you that he likes you.

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