»when you're neighbors.

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-comes round to check on you pretty much everyday, will knock most days after work, or if he has a day off he'll work when you finish work.
-invites you over for gaming sessions, either whenever he's bored or will make time for you.
-if you're being super noisy like playing music on speakers or simply just shouting, he'll message you saying that he can hear you, but not to worry as he doesn't mind as long as you're happy.

-comes over to yours for the day whenever you're sick, and would cook you meals and care for you until you get better.
-would drive you to work whenever he's free, loves your drives together as you'd have funny chats and carpool karaoke.
-invites you over for a drinks night whenever something big happens to celebrate, or simply if you're just feeling for a night of fun.
-you receive random texts every so often asking if you've eaten, just so he can invite you over for dinner.

-if you're houses/apartments are connected, he'd jokily knock on the wall that connected your places and would smile while putting his head against the wall, waiting for you to knock back, and if you did, you'd hear each other burst into laughter.
-knocks on your door and has a quick chat with you at your doorway before he'd leave for work.
-leaves little notes through your door whenever you'd have work.
-you have brunch together quite often, especially the days you both have a day off of work.

-whenever he'd get fast food or go to a coffee shop to take home, he'd always order you your favourite drink and surprise you at your door.
-comes over to keep you company and make sure you're safe when you're ill.
-would beg you to go to the gym with you one morning, and just sometimes you'd accept, you'd would walk to the gym together and he'd help you workout.
-is very respectful to when it comes to noise.

-knock and runs on your door whenever he goes out, sometimes he'll stay round the side and makes you jump.
-whenever you both need to do your shopping or just want to get snacks, you'll walk to the shop together so you can keep each other company.
-you go round each others whenever either or you need help studying.
-you have that type of friendship where you walk in without knocking if you know the other is home.

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