»when you have a phobia of spiders.

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-you were at their dorm on the computer together, sitting beside each other gaming.
-you were in an intense game when you looked down at your controller, but past it on the floor was a large spindly spider near your feet.
-you immediately screamed and chucked your controller, and even though soobin had no clue what was going on, you screaming was enough to scare him, he'd jumped and shouted, and looked back at you to see you pushing yourself away from the computer and running to the opposite side of the room.
-"NOO! SOOBIN MOVE, THERE'S A SPIDER!!", you shouted as he stood up and calmly walked to the side of his chair, he starts hysterically laughing at you for being scared of, what he called, a small spider.
-"it's not even big!!", he says while laughing, "GET ITTT!!", you whine at him, but as he doesn't want to touch it, he places your empty glass over it and calls yeonjun.
-yeonjun walks in the room, laughing at the two of you, as he heard everything that just went on and was waiting for you guys to call him.
-he calmly caught the spider and placed it out the window before leaving you guys alone again, "i don't think i've ever seen you so scared!", he tells you with a smirk on his face as he pulls you into his arms, "stoppp, i wasn't even scared", you say to him, causing him to laugh loudly again as you cuddle into his chest and take in his warm embrace.

-you were upstairs in your bedroom with yeonjun, you were sitting on your bed having a really funny conversation, when suddenly a spider appeared on your bedside table.
-yeonjun didn't even notice at first, but you on the other hand, went absolutely crazy, you looked at it and immediately stood up, shouting, "OH MY GOD, THERE'S A SPIDER OMG OMG YEONJUN GET ITTT", you completely freak out and while he stands up, not really knowing what to do at first, just staring at it really, you had already ran out and sprinted downstairs.
-he didn't even get a pot or anything to catch it with, he was so unbothered about it that he picked it up two fingers and placed it out the window.
-he calmly walked downstairs as he thought you'd just gone to another room to wait for him to get it, but instead, he walked into the living room to see you bent over with your hands on your knees, struggling to breathe with tears flowing from your eyes.
-he ran over to you, "baby baby baby, breathe.. okay breathe for me please", he told you with concern in his voice, but he immediately tried to take you into his arms, to which you pushed him away a little as you literally couldn't breathe.
-it took a few minutes of him talking you through your breathing before you slowly calmed down, and ended up cuddling him while he reassured you everything's going to be okay.

-you had earlier seen a massive thick spider on the wall around the sofa, you told beomgyu but as he didn't witness it he wasn't too scared.
-it was night, and you were at his dorm sat on the sofa together, although as the spider was near the side previously, you sat in the centre of the sofa in hopes of avoiding the spider.
-you were watching the tv while beomgyu was sat beside you on his laptop, everything was fine until you let out a massive gasp, unable to get words out.
-beomgyu looked at you, concerned to why you'd gasped, but you immediately got and sprinted over him and onto the rest of the sofa, you jumped off the edge and rushed out the door.
-he looked around super confused, for his eyes to be met with the same giant spider crawling on the floor infront of the tv, "OH MY GOD", he said while doing the exact same route along the sofa and out of the room.
-by then you'd already told taehyun and he was on his way down, "you guys really are wimps", he says while grabbing a pot and paper to take out the spider.
-once it was out and it was just you and beomgyu sat on the sofa again, you wouldn't stop talking and lowkey laughing about it, how you'd just left him and sprinted along the sofa.

-you went to bed early, leaving taehyun and the members downstairs.
-you were scrolling your phone when you notice a thick black spider at the end of your bed.
-you immediately start silently crying and were unable to breathe, you flung the covers off of you and rush downstairs to the kitchen where the members were.
-you go to taehyun and try and get your words out, but nothing was coming out as you were panicking so bad, "baby speak", he said in a loud, stern voice as he's so worried about you, but you just keep heavy breathing and crying.
-the other members were very concerned but didn't say much besides a few, "y/n tell us", "breathe, breathe, it's okay".
-the only word you managed to get out was a breathy 'spider', to which he immediately ran upstairs and grabbed a nearby cup and paper to catch it with, he shouted down asking where exactly it was, and because you had calmed down a little, you were able to tell him it was around your bed.
-the members comforted you downstairs by sitting you on the sofa and putting on a youtube video they knew you'd be interested in, as well as yeonjun making you bagels to calm you even more, and when taehyun had caught it after searching for a good 5 minutes, he'd come down and cuddled you, resting your head against his chest as he rubbed your back and played with your hair.

-you were at his dorm and in his bedroom, drying your hair while sat on the floor.
-kai was in the living room with a few of the members, waiting for you to be done.
-a large spider crawled out from under the bed, right infront of you, to which you immediately turned off the drier and gasped so loud that kai heard and came straight to his room to see if your were okay.
-you sprinted out the room saying, "there's a spider", while he was in the doorway, then suddenly he spotted it on the floor and gasped himself, running out the door behind you.
-"THERE'S A HUGE SPIDER IN THE BEDROOM", he screamed to his members, to which they all wanted to see how big it was.
-while you were all peering into the bedroom, the members were freaking out too, while yeonjun got a pot and paper and put it out of the window.
-you and kai didn't dare go back into the bedroom for a good 40 minutes, you stayed in the living room close together with some snacks while watching tv, but you were so caught up talking about how scary the spider was, you were barely even watched what was on.
-when you eventually went back into his room, you jumped straight on the bed, not wanting to touch the floor, and you shook the sheets incase there was one in the bed too.

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