»when you're in a long distance relationship.

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-he'll get use to messaging you so often that it becomes a thing where you don't even say hello or goodbye, the messages just keep flowing.
-you have a specific night where you facetime each other for a good hour or two before you go to sleep, but obviously you call and facetime often before that night.
-becomes so comfortable with you over the phone that when you meet in person it isn't awkward at all, you're more playful and jokey together the few times you get to meet.
-he'll leave cute messages about how much he loves and misses you whenever you're gone for a long day of work/school.
-you do alot of gaming together and use your headset to talk to each other, meaning you talk ALOT, as even after gaming you'll be messaging or on call to each other.

//YEONJUN//-sends you a mini basket full of your favourite things like snacks, a cuddly toy, one of his hoodies and shirts, dvd's, flowers, and a hand written letter by him

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-sends you a mini basket full of your favourite things like snacks, a cuddly toy, one of his hoodies and shirts, dvd's, flowers, and a hand written letter by him.
-calls you everyday after work to make sure you're doing okay and getting on well, you always know each others schedule for work because it's always the time you expect a call from one another.
-he always sends you a goodnight and good morning text to brighten your day.
-it really hurts him how far away you guys are but he makes sure to visit as often as he can.
-everytime you do get to see each other in person, it's never awkward and always smiles, he'll be very touchy as that's the part you lack receiving when being distant.

-everytime you do get to see each other in person, it's never awkward and always smiles, he'll be very touchy as that's the part you lack receiving when being distant

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-you're literally on facetime 24/7, and half the time you guys aren't even talking, you just like to enjoy each others company and act as if you're actually in the same room, he'll be on the computer while you'll get on with some work, only sometimes you'll speak up with little comments.
-you guys don't message too often as you're both pretty busy, and even so, you're on call alot anyway.
-he comes to see you quite often but not too much as he does like to focus alot on work, but that's the same on your end too.
-when he sees you, you'll always be laughing and teasing one another, he's quite affectionate with you and that makes you really comfortable around each other.

//TAEHYUN//-every so often you'll both get wrapped up in your beds, snuggled in blankets with the lights dimmed, a movie will be running on the tv while you have a laptop facing you as the other is on facetime call, you'll press play the exact sam...

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-every so often you'll both get wrapped up in your beds, snuggled in blankets with the lights dimmed, a movie will be running on the tv while you have a laptop facing you as the other is on facetime call, you'll press play the exact same time and both pause whenever necessary, you'll treat it as though you're actually in the same room, cuddling, while watching the movie together.
-surprisingly he'd actually message you alot, even though he's very busy, he'd make the time to check up on you and talk about your day, although it usually ends in both of you getting bored of typing and call each other instead.
-is proper boyfriend boyfriend material, will send you pictures of him throughout the day, always expecting one in return, everyday sends a good morning and night text, and calls you baby 24/7.

//HUENINGKAI//-it makes him feel very low quite often as he craves the physical affection with you which he can't receive, you'll randomly receive an 'i miss you' message, which you instantly know what's going on, you'll give him a call to reassur...

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-it makes him feel very low quite often as he craves the physical affection with you which he can't receive, you'll randomly receive an 'i miss you' message, which you instantly know what's going on, you'll give him a call to reassure him that you'll be able to see him soon and that he's your one and only.
-he loves sending you little gifts, one time he sent you a necklace which when you sent a picture of you wearing it, he'd sent the same back with him wearing a matching one.
-calls you most days to see how you're doing, but will message you literally everyday.
-there's days you'll fall asleep on call together, and when you wake up you'll be left with a dead phone because of it being left on all night.
-you lowkey act like best friends when you see each other instead of a couple, but that's when you're around people, as soon as you're alone you're both super clingy and affectionate.

-you lowkey act like best friends when you see each other instead of a couple, but that's when you're around people, as soon as you're alone you're both super clingy and affectionate

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