Chapter 4

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---------- Alicia's P.O.V -----------

" Sasha" I warned the hungry cadet " we need to go now" Sasha turned to me, a hungry glint in her eyes and drool hanging from her mouth.

"It's so close I can smell it" she whispered greedily.

I shivered. "Just hurry up" I sighed "we need to be at the wall soon."

Sasha payed me no mind, snuck into the Generals cabin and stole a huge piece of meat.

I sighed "can we go now?"

She nodded "I wanna eat it in peace" I groaned "just come on."

When we got to the wall I was suprised to see more than Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. Connie, Jean, Riener were already there. The group was surprised at Sasha's meat but I could see they knew that was sonething she would do.

No sooner had she hid the food in a random box than a thuderus crash echoed around the city. I froze. I knew that noise. I truned, dread in my heart to see that blasted Colassal Titan as I was thrown from the wall.

As I was flying from the wall, I came to my senses. Squeezing the trigger on my sword, I relased my 3D-Gear strings that latched onto the wall, stopping my decent to death. I stared wide-eyed at the cursed titan that had destroyed life behind Wall Maria 5 years ago. I couldn't let that do it again. Apperently Eren Yeager had the same idea.

With a yell he ran up the side of the wall, trying to kill the titan. He was brave I would give him that, but it was a stupid brave. I decided to help him.

With my own yell I ran up the wall to face the titan and just managed to avoid it's sweeping hand. I growled. It had taken out the cannons.

So it's not as dumb as we thought. Then I saw Yeager run along it's arm yelling. I had to distract it.

"Hey! Big, fat and ugly!" I yelled and shook my butt at it. "Over here" I yelled.

I saw it's hand swipe for me but I jumped over it and stuck my tounge out "You'll have to do better than that!"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Eren flying at its neck. Hurry Yeager! I silently cheered him on. It could dissapear at any moment! As soon as I thought that it dissapered in a huge spurt of steam.

Gahh! I thought. I jinxed it! "Eren!" I yelled peering over the wall "You ok?"

He gave me a thumbs up, hanging from the wall.

Thomas stepped up next to me yelling at Eren "Did you kill it?!"

I sighed. "No, If he had killed it, we would see its body."

No Thomas!" Eren yelled back sounding angry. He propelled himself back up the wall.

" Sorry guys" Eren said, hanging his head " I couldn't kill it."

"Are you kidding?!" Connie retorted " I was to scared to even move!" Eren looked up.

" You were great Eren. That is the closet anyone has been to killing it since 5 years ago!" Armin said enthusiastically.
"At least you tried to kill it" I put in "all I did was insult it."

"At least you did something" Sasha told me. I shrugged and turned to the hole the titan had kicked into the wall.

"We better report to HQ. We need to find out what to do about that" Riener said motioning to the hole. Eren nodded "sounds like a plan."

•●•●•●•●•●• Le Time Skip •●•●•●•●•

I had been placed in a squad with Connie and Sasha and a few others I did not know. We had been placed in the middle guard to fight the titans. I was nervous for my classmates who had been placed in the front guard like Eren, Armin and Thomas. I hoped they would stay safe.

It had been a while and my squad had not seen any titans which I was glad of. I was using my 3D-Gear to scope out the area when I saw a familiar blonde-haired boy. Armin? I thought.

I landed on the roof next to him. "Armin?" I asked curiously. He looked up startled tears rushing down his face and horror in his large blue eyes. I dropped to my knees and hugged him tightly knowing he had seen things no one wanted to.

Leaning back I told him "come with me ok?" He nodded and shakily stood up before falling back down again. "Here" I held out my hand and he took it, using it to stabilize himself. "Ready?" He nodded once again and we took off towards the rest of my squad.

Armin. I wondered. What excatly did you see?

Heyyyy! Sorry it's been a while. I have school and my other fam-fic too. I try to alternate which on i update. Anyway, hope your life is doing well. I am going to give a shout out to @fennectail. She is a new writer to Wattpad and loves anime too. She is doing a Soul Eater and Fairy Tail crossover and a Fairy Tail fanfic. I know her in real life. She is cool (she also happenes to be my sisyer. Coincidance? I think not). Anyway, the picture at the top of the chapter is what Alicia looks like. Hope your enjoying the story!






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