Chapter 1

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"Alicia!" My mother called from the kitchen. I sighed, shut my book and pushed my silvery hair out of my face. "Coming!" I trudged down the stairs.

I was only 10 at the time, and I was blissfully unaware that my life was about to take a sudden, terrible turn. As I reached the kitchen I saw a man at the table eating eggs. The man had black hair and vibrant green eyes.

"Daddy!" I yelled happily and launched myself at him. He chuckled and caught me in a hug. "I thought you weren't gonna come for another week" I said after leaning back.

He smiled and ruffled my hair. "I got off work early".

"Oh. Ok!" I smiled happily.

We lived inside Wall Rose, my dad was a merchant. We rarely left but this week we had retreated to our summer home in Wall Maria to get some fresh air and see some natural greenery.

I liked this place especially because I had room to run around in nature. We didn't have that kind of stuff in the interior.

After breakfast Daddy took us fishing. I had never geen fishing before so I had a really hard time, but Daddy showed me how to do it. I took a little worm and I didn't wanna stab it at first but Daddy told me the worm couldn't feel it. Even then I apologized to the worm once I got it on the hook.

"Fishing takes patience Alicia." Mommy told me when I asked why I hadn't gotten any fish yet. She was sitting on a chair by the lake side.

I sighed and puffed my cheeks out. "I don't wanna have payshoes. I wanna have a fish."

Daddy laughed. "Patience is the word your looking for silly."

"Whatever." I laughed. Suddenly I felt a tug on my line. I gasped and almost dropped my pole. "Daddy I got one!"

He clapped. "Good job! Try and reel it in!"

So I did, but I didn't get very far. Daddy came over and put his hands over mine and helped me reel in the fish.

It was tiny but it was really pretty. It's scales glinted off the sun like a rainbow. I smiled and put the fish back in the water and looked at Daddy. "Let's do that again!"

I finally had a really big one on the hook when suddelnly a huge thunder crash followed by a bolt of lighting from the wall.

I squeled and drooped my fishing pole. Loud noises scared me. Then something scarier than lightning peered over the wall. My little heart skipped 3 beats. It was a titan. I've read about those. They ate people simply for pleasure and now one was looking over Wall Maria.

Yet, that was impossible. The biggest titans get is 15 meters and Wall Maria is 50 meters tall! This titan must be at least 60 meters tall! My feet stayed rooted to the spot as I gaped I fear at the colassal titan.

Suddelnly another thunderous sounds shook the ground. It was a diffrent sound this time though. Then a thought struck me- the titan had kicked the wall down.

Suddenly there was steam where the titan had been and as quickly as it had come the titan was gone. I stared at the hole the titan had left in the wall. Then something came through the wall. It was smiling. It was a titan- a ten meter one- I thought.

It turned, coming straight for me and my family. I couldn't move, I was frozen to the spot. Thankfully my dad could move he grabbed my mom's hand and scooped me up.

He ran into the house and to the basement I did not know exisited. He came out with a sword. Then I remebered, Daddy is a retired solider.

He turned to my mom "take Alicia and run" tears filled her eyes and she nodded. My dad kissed her and then kissed my head.

I wailed "No! Daddy is coming with us!" Mommy sobbed and picked me up and began to run.

"No!" I screamed and hit her back with my tiny fists. I heard a yell and saw my dad running at the titan coming after me and my mom. I stopped wailing and stared as he ran up to the titan and cut its ankle. It tottered and fell down.

Steam rose from its cut ankle. My dad ran at its exposed neck and was about to kill it when it's hand shot up and grabbed him. "Daddy!" I screamed.

He struggled as the titan brought him to his mouth. "NOOOOOO!" I screamed as the titan bit down on my father's torso.

His blood splattered everywhere and the titan swallowed him. I sobbed and I went limp in my mother's arms.

A Garrison Gaurd ran up to us and helped mom with me. I know we got to safety but I can't remember much after that honestly.

It was all a blur. I remeber being brought back hone and I remember my mom sobbing at daddy's funeral. I remeber her making me promise to never leave her. I remebered what I said. At age 10 I told my mother "I make no promises"

Heyyyyyy! Thanks for reading my Shingeku no Kyojin fanfiction. It means so much. I also have a Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) fanfiction. You should read it if you watch that. Anyway, please comment and show your friends and give me your opinion because that really matters to me. Thanks for reading! Love ya!

- Chloe

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