Chapter 6

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------ Alicia's P.O.V --------
I had been asked to be a witness at Eren's trial along with Mikasa and Armin because I had been there when he went titan for the second time. Heck I had been inside him (A/N: not in that way jeez). My heart thundered in my chest. I was scared for my friend. What happened in this cavernous room today ment the diffrence of life and death and I shivered just thinking about it. Suddenly the doors opened and I jumped as Eren was shoved into the room. I gulped. The trial had begun.

Eren's arms were chained behind his back. He was forced to kneel and his handcuffs were trapped in the floor. Eren looked scared and I felt my heart reach out to him, who wouldn't. As the trial began I lost myself in thought.

How cruel this world can be. Turning on our own in a time of need. This is not how things should be. My thoughts inturupted by a loud thud from the center of the room. I gasped and looked in shock.

A short man, with dark black hair and cool steel-colored eyes was staring down at Eren.

Another thud and another sounded through the room accompanied by Eren choking on his own blood as the man mercilessly beat him. A sob chocked in my throat and I covered my mouth. I knew there was nothing I could do. Mikasa growled and tried to run forward to aide her brother but Armin retained her.

A voice sounded "L-levi! Stop!" So that was his name. Levi turned towards the man who had spoken.

"Why?" He asked, in a cold, monotone voice with his foot pressing Eren's head to the ground.

"With him kneeling down like this, he's at the perfect hight for kicking." I'm not sure the man realized he was calling himself short and despite the horrible tension that hung on the air, I found myself having to hide a laugh.

As Levi continued talking I noticed the insignia on the back of his jacket.

"The Wings of Freedom." I breathed in awe.

Suddenly it clicked. This man was Captin Levi. A legend, "Humanity's Strongest Solider". There are tales about him and the Survey Corps. He has been my hero since my father was eaten.

I wanted to be strong like him. Yet, I imagined he would be taller.

Soon the trial was over and I went to leave with Mikasa and Armin but I was stopped with a hand on my shoulder. I turned and jumped into a salute because I was looking into the eyes of the also legendary Erwin Smith, commander of the Survey Corps.

"You are Alicia Montez, correct?" He asked and I nodded.

"You have medical training correct?" I nodded once again, my mother was a nurse and had taught me all she knew.

"Come with me then Cadet Montez." I nodded and swiftly followed him through the maze if hallways.

"Permission to speak sir." I spoke suddenly.


"How do you know me?" I asked. I was curious. Who wouldn't be.

"We receive files of all the cadets that express intent to join the Survey Corps." The Commander responded. "You were one of them."

I nodded. "I see."

Suddenly the Commander stopped walking. "Here we are."

He opened the door to a small room where Eren sat almost in a daze on a red couch. My medical senses took over.

"Someone get me some water, gauze and bandages." Commander Smith nodded to a tall man with mustache stubble who sniffed me on his way out and and brunette with weird glasses and they left to get the items. Once they returned I cleaned Eren's face and bandaged the small cuts.

"Couldn't you have gone a bit easier on him Levi?" The brunette asked as I stepped back from Eren.

"I wouldn't have gotten my point across." I jumped and turned to where the noise had come from. Captain Levi was leaning against the wall staring at brunette.

"You knocked his tooth out." the brunette said. "I have it right here." she said and giggled

"That's disgusting." Levi said scornfully.

"It's valuable evedince!" The woman said indignantly.

Levi noticed me looking at him "Why are you gawking?" He asked sounding bored.

"I didn't notice you and you scared me." I said barley loud enough to be heard.

"Don't mind him" the brunette said "he's always like that. So, what's your name?"

"Alicia Montez, ma'am" I said. She smiled.

"That's a pretty name."

"Thank you" I muttered.

"I'm Hanji Zoe, I'm sure you know who these other people are." She said waving her hand at the 3 other men there. I nodded

"You all are legends." I said.

Hanji smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Aren't you a sweet girl!" She laughed and pointed at my jacket

"Where do you plan to go Cadet Montez?"

"Oh, well, the Survey Corps" I said and her smile brightned.

"We would love to have you Alicia." At this I smiled.

With that she walked passed me and bent down to speak with Eren.
"So Eren-" she said her eyes taking on almost a feral look "-open up! I want to see."

Eren opened his mouth and she gasped in suprise. "Its...already grown back."

And I leave you here because that's what the anime did. Im sorry i havent updated in 30 million years, i feel like a terrible persom. A d im sorry its not really long, its only like waht 900 words. Anyway,







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