Chapter 5

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First let me say I am so thankful that I was able to get all my progress back somehow. Now, carry on (my wayward son).

---------- Alicia's P.O.V ------------
I landed on the roof with a shaking Armin next to me. He collapsed as soon as his feet hit the tile. I called to Connie who helped me lead him to a wall. He simply sat there holding his head, tears falling freely from his sky blue eyes. Occasionally I heard him mutter things like "Eren.." and " Mikasa..."

I began to get worried and I wondered what happened to his squad. It was impossible that the entire squad had been wiped out....right? I shook my head, Eren had been in that squad and so had many of the top 10. I had faith in them.

Still, Armin's current state was worried me. I knew it didn't take much to shake the cadet and yet....Oh stop it Alicia! I scolded myself. We're all worried.

I went and sat next to Armin, wrapping and arm around his shoulder and hugged him close. He turned his head and sobbed into my shoulder.

I loosened my grip on Armin as he began to calm down.I looked up when I heard a sudden thud.

It was Mikasa. Shouldn't she be in the vanguard?

I stood up, removing my arm from around the shaking boy. She turned straight to Armin. She dropped to her knees, placing her hands over his. "Armin, where is Eren"

Armin didn't awnser so she asked again. This time he looked up, fresh tears spilling from his eyes, and he told us his entire squad was dead.

I recoiled in shock. The entire squad? I looked at Mikasa. She was staring at Armin, begging him with her eyes to tell her something else. She looked like how I had when I had lost my father. She seemed lost, broken.

I sank to my knees beside her , the wind whipping my long silver hair around my face.

I finally found my voice. "They shall not have died in vain".

Mikasa looked at me, her eyes No longer had the look of a lost puppy. Her grey eyes were hard with anger and vengeance. She stood up and turned to my squad "listen up!"

°°^°°^°°^ Time Skip ^°°^°°^°°

I sat on the cold floor of the basement, my hands shaking as I refilled my gas. We were in the gas chambers of HQ, the smoking bodies of titans lay on the ground. I had killed one.

We had taken back the headquarters from the titans thanks to...a Titan. I was still processing. It was all happening rather quickly.

Mikasa had run out of gas and fallen to the ground, Armin had followed her, and Connie had followed him. That had left Jean in the lead. He had stopped but soon he had carried on, taking the lead. I had followed him, my green eyes set and my long hair blowing behind me in the wind.

My hair.....the once silver strands were now covered in smoking titan blood. I shivered as the blood steamed off, and soon it was gone completely.

A blonde haired cadete came up to me and handed me two hair ties and three bobby pins.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed and put my hair on a thick, tight bun.

"No problem" she said. "I'm Alicia. What is your name?" The girl smiled and replied "I'm Christina-" she was inturupted by loud commotion from floors above us.

We ran up many flighst to find the source of the noise and we ended up on the roof. I shielded my eyes from the glaring sun and ran to the edge of the wall where everyone was gathered.

I shoved my way through to the edge and gasped on shock at what I saw. It was.....Eren.

Eren's still form was embedded a titans back. It was the titan the had beaten all the others!

I heard the zip of 3D gear and saw Mikasa flying towards him. She hit the ground and sprinted towards Eren.

Mikasa reached him quickly, eveloping him in her arms. She placed her head over his chest paused there listing for a heartbeat. Then tears filled her eyes and she hugged him once again, and Mikasa began sobbing.

Once we pulled Eren up to the wall Armin sank to his knees beside his friends, and entertwined erens fingers on his left arm with Armin's own.

It was all very sweet, but everything went downhill from there.


I sat crouching staring at the guns trained on my chest. Why I had decided to help Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, I don't know. The three had looked so helpless I guess. Not that I would be of much help to them. Maybe moral support, I don't know! Whatever made me make that decision I was very mad at. It was about to kill me.

Eren stirred behind me and the Commander began yelling at him.


Eren responded in kind, screaming at the top of his lungs "I AM HUMAN!".

Everyone gaped at him, his eyes smoldering with anger. The commanders eyes were shadowed as he said in a quiet, deadly voice.

"You leave me no choice" and raised his hand, signaling the cannons to fire.

Everything seemed to slow down. I wrapped my arms around my head in a feeble attempt to protect myself. I felt someone grab my arm, and I was jerked to my feet. Eren warped his arms around the three of us and bit his hand, drawing blood.

A bright flash emminated from his body, and a loud boom form the cannon- and eren himself, I closed my eyes and put my hands over my head, and waited for my death. But then nothing happened.

I opened my eyes and screamed, my hands flying over my mouth. I stared in shock, we were in the ribcage of a Titan- or to be percise- Eren.

My knees gave way and I fell to the ground. I reached out a hand to steady myself and began to sob.

What is going on?!

"Eren...stopped the cannon ball...". I heard Armin say, awestruck.

"We owe him our lives many times over". Mikasa said, in her usual emotionless tone, but her voice caught betraying her fear.

The smoke cleared somewhat and the cadets with the guns were staring with open mouths. Suddenly Eren was there.

"Armin-" He said "-please, go convince them I'm not dangerous" Armin looked shocked.

"M-me?!" Mikasa nodded "we trust you".

I wiped my eyes and looked up at him with a strong smile and nodded as well. "Go get 'um".

He stood up, a determined looks on his face and turned and ran through the smoke, taking off his gear as he went. We lost sight of him but we heard him.

Armin may never be the best fighter, but the blonde sure has a way with words.

Wow, that took ages. I am so sorry. Next chapter is gonna be about the trial and stuff. I am super sorry that took so long . I didn't mean to be a terrible person. Untill next time my Kittens, Comment, Like, Follow, and live life like the awesome person you are.
Love yall!

Chloe Cat

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