Chapter 7

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Cleaning. I hate cleaning. Of course I can't tell Captian Levi, he would kill me or something. Although I did find Captin's perfectionist issue kinda amusing. I was out in the yard, raking leaves when I heard a thud. I looked up and saw a soldier leaning out the window with full cleaning getup. He looked kinda ridiculous. I laughed.

"Is something amusing Cadet Montez?" I stopped laughing. It was Captin Levi.

"Oh no sir I'm sorry, I just saw a weird looking bird is all." I responded and jumped into a panicked salute.

"Tch. Better have been." He dissapered from the window and I sighed quietly to myself and continued sweeping.

I was at the Castle HQ. I had been transfered here with Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Reiner and other cadets I wasn't really close to. Eren had already been assigned to Captin Levi's squad. I had too, but not for my titan killing skills. I didn't have much of those. No, I was there to be Squad Levi's personal medic as they were typically on the front lines. I thought back to when I had been offered the position.


"Cadet Montez? I need to bother you one more time." Commander Erwin called me as I was leaving the room where Eren, Levi and Hanji and been.

"It's fine sir, it's no bother. What do you need?" I asked.

"Your medical skills."

"I'm sorry sir I don't follow."

"We are currently a bit short on medics and as you can imagine we have great need for them." The Commander explained.

"And you want me why? There are plenty of other people you could hire from Wall Rose." I asked.

"Because you Alicia, are trained to protect yourself and kill titans. That enables us to take you on missions." He replied.

"However-" a new voice said "-you will not be a permitted to engage a titan in combat ulness you are about to die."

It was Captin Levi.

I saluted. "But what about other people sir?" I asked. "May I try and protect them."

"You must decide which life is more inportant, yours or thiers" He responded emotionlessly.

"Furthermore, you will be inducted to Squad Levi along with Eren Yeager. You will travel with them during expiditions and sleep in the same wing as them." The Commander concluded.

"Will you accept Cadet Montez?" Captin Levi asked.

I nodded. "Hai!"


And now I was cleaning the yard.

I had already unpacked my measly belongings. And extra shirt and pants, undergarments and toliteres. Now I had my survey corps jacket and cloak as well as all of my belts but that was it. The Corps was providing me with my medical supplies.

I stopped raking for a moment to wipe the sweat from my forehead.

"Slacking off are we newbie?" A voice jeered.

I jumped and turned around, hopping into a salute. "I'm sorry Oulo sir!" I yelled.

He laughed and smiled in a jeering way. "Pick up the pace cadet."


"Don't push her around just because she's scared of you Oulo." Petra said, rounding a corner.

"You are doing great Alicia. Keep up the good work."

"Thank you." I said. I liked Petra she was nice. Really all of Squad Levi were, except Oulu. Still I had to recpect him as he was my superior.

"Here I'll finnish with this, you go set up the hospital ok?" Petra said.

"But Captian Levi-" I started.

"If he bugs you tell him I said to do it." She said and smiled.

"O-ok." I said and handed her the rake. "Thank you!" I bowed quickly before turning to organize where I will be working.

The hospital area was a mess. It had cobwebs everywhere and the windows were caked in grime. I shivered. This is going to take a while. I grimaced and rolled back my sleaves, brandishing a mop at the drit. "It's you versus me." I shighed, and I got to work.

Heya guys. I'm sorry that this update is so short but one is long overdue and I don't have much time seeing as I just started high school. Homework is a witch. Anyway next chapter will be longer I swear. Remeber, check out my other two stories if you haven't already. One is black butler (On My Turf) and the other is soul Eater (Finding Ember). Finding Ember is really new i started writing it this week. Also i went back and changed one thing in Chapter 5 because I was trying to decide if Levi was gonna be love intrest or father figure and I went with father figure so I had to change up a couple of things. Anyway, thanks for reading and remeber







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