Not As You Remember Part 1

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It had been 3 days since the Rhydonium Recovery and since Aurek discovered that one of his comrades, Shinobi, was alive.

The Ghost was parked on the planet Garel with the rest if the Rebel Fleet.
Aurek was hanging outside by the main ramp listening to Radio Gaga until he saw Ezra and Sabine exit the ship and walk towards Hera. He recognizer this.
This was the pint of which Sabine crosses path with her former friend Ketsu. He wanted to witness this himself so he walked over to the three and eavesdeopped.

"Hey, I can be low-profile as well." Ezra claimed.
"You can be... backup, along with Chopper but she is in charge." Hera said as she let Ezra past.
"What are they doing?" Aurek asked as if he had no idea as to what was going on.
"Oh, the kids are just going to retrieve a courier at the landing bays." Hera answered. "Nothing dangerous, just low-profile."
Aurek saw his chance. "Can I go too? I have nothing else to do today and I'm great at being low-profile." Aurek stated.
At first Hera was reluctant, but she trusted Aurek and gave in. "Okay then." She then called out to Sabine on her comm: Ezra, Sabine, heads up. Aurek will be joining you. Aurek just knew that the two teens were rolling their eyes as she said that but he didn't care. Aurek caught up with the two and then asked: "Hey. What are you guys talking about?"
Sabine remained dead silent but Ezra replied, "Nothing of interest to you!"
Aurek just looked blindly past his remark and continued talking. "You know Sabine, I heard Hera put you in charge of this mission. I always thought of you as more of a loner." In his mind, Aurek was erupting with laughter because he just repeated what Ezra had previously just said to her seconds ago.

"Ugh. Am I really that obvious?" Sabine groaned.
"Prety much" Aurek replied. A small giggle escaped his mouth as he tried not to laugh. Ezra then shot him a look and said "What was that?"
Aurek gathered his thoughts together and tried to act professional. "Nothing" he replied at the speed of sound. He then diverted his attention to a nearby wall as Sabine would later do and he noticed Ketsu's artwork graffiti'ed on the wall. "Hey, Sabine." he bellowed. Sabine then turned to him and crossed her arms as if she were disappointed in him. "What?" she moaned.
"Notice you changed your style for art here" Aurek said as he pointed to the wall. Sabine then walked over and pushed Aurek out of the way and examined it closely. For a moment she didn't have a move until Ezra asked "What's that?" Sabine then remembered the mission and diverted her attention back to what was important. "Nothing. Let's go." The group then walked to the hangar and saw several citizens leaving a newly arrived transport.
This is it. Anubis thought. This is where they find the courier and Ketsu Onyo.
It would be just like the episode except he would be there too.
He just hoped that it wouldn't screw up the time line.

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