The Escape

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A few moments earlier

"I've been looking for Sergeant Shinobi for a while now. But I had no idea he was killed." Anubis stated.
"Sorry Lieutenant, I know you two were good friends." Scout replied in an effort to comfort her shaken comrade. "Something doesn't add up..." Evie said as she projected herself from Anubis' helmet.

"What do you mean?" Scout asked curiously. "Recovery Beacons are supposed to be active only if the User is in distress, injured, etc. but should remain inactive if they're dead. With Spartan Armour, an alternate beacon should be deployed for recovery of the equipment but not the soldier." Evie explained.
"What's you point, Evie?" Anubis cut in impatiently.
"For the Recovery Beacon to have been activated, someone must have reactivated it manually."
"Why would someone do that?" Scout asked. Brendon then projected himself from Scout's helmet and began talking.

"I hypothesise that whoever reactivated the Recovery Beacon, must have killed Shinobi and then deployed the distress call. Perhaps in an effort to draw in other nearby Spartans." he said.
"Not likely. When we found Shinobi, there were no signs of anyone in the surrounding area. We were by ourselves." Scout informed him.

"Look, we can sort this out later after we escape this Imperial structure." Anubis said as he took charge.
"Agreed." Scout replied. "Commando, you read me?" she said as she spoke into her comm.

After a brief moment, a voice replied saying, "Affirmative. What's your status, Scout?"
"I've found Anubis. He's here."
"Great job, Scout. Rendezvous at the hangar on the ground floor. I have us a way out of here."
"Roger that, sir. Over and out."

Scout then got up onto her feet as did Anubis, and were about to head for the door before Anubis asked, "What's the plan, Scout?" She turned to him before saying, "The basic escape plan as always."

Firteam Hacksaw had prepared several basic plans for several possible scenarios that they usually encountered on supposedly standard missions with the Covenant that were considered as effective. And the basic escape plan Scout had suggested was no exception. Anubis knew exactly what kind of plan she was talking about.

Suddenly, as Scout was heading for the door, the Loth-Cat leaped up onto her shoulder causing her to jump ever so slightly before she tried to swat it away. "What the freaking hell is that?!" she shrieked as the Cat hissed ever so slightly at her in response to her actions.

"Just some stowaway who won't leave me the heck alone." Anubis answered irritated with the persistent and stubborn feline. "Looks like an oversized cat!" Scout stated.
"You're not wrong..." he said.

After explaining the whole Loth-Cat situation, Scout was convinced to just forget that the cat was even with them; she then gave Anubis the all-clear and the two made their way out of the room and sprinted down the hallways towards the elevator, only to find a small squad of stormtroopers approaching.

"Intruders!" one shouted.
"Blast 'em!" another ordered.
Scout then pulled out a silenced Magnum and shot two down before leaping atop another and tackling him to the ground before sweeping the leg on the final trooper and delivered a piston-like punch to his head, knocking him out instantly.

"Let's go." she said as she and Anubis (as well as the Loth-Cat) made their way into the elevator and selected the ground floor.
"Nice to see you haven't lost your touch." Anubis said jokingly.
"Shut up, Anubis." she said softly.

They almost made it to the ground floor before they abruptly stopped at the second level where two Troopers were prepared to get only to find the two warriors and the one Loth-Cat standing in front of them.

"What the-" one tried to say before they were both grabbed both Anubis and Scout who pulled th in and closed the door. Both Troopers received a heavy beating and were left unconscious in the elevator as it reached the ground floor and Scout, Anubis, and the Loth-Cat stepped out.

"Commando, where are you?" Scout spoke into her comm.
"I'm in a heavy transport of some kind. I'll activate my homing beacon."
"Roger that. Closing on on your location now."

"Boss, I'm picking up multiple hostiles on the motions trackers." Evie informed Anubis. He then diverted his eyes to his motion tracker to find several targets patrolling across his tracker.
"I count 18 minimum." the A.I. added.

Nothing we should be worried about." Scout said cheerfully as she reached for her rifle." If there's one thing I learnt from Star Wars, it's that Stromtroopers have the worst aim ever."
"True." Anubis chuckled as he did the same.
"Wait!" Bredon tried to say as he emerged from Scout's helmet but was too late as the two ran into the hangar and were engaged by a battalion of more Stromtroopers.

Both Spartans shot, kicked, and punches every Imperial that stood in their way. The overmatched Troopers were defeated in minutes and the two Spartans made their way across the bay before hearing an alarm go off.

"That's what I was afraid of." Brendon remarked as he once again projected himself from Scout's helmet. "By attacking a room full of multiple soldiers that would rapidly realise that they were in over their heads, they would likely report it to their superiors. Now the base knows we're here."

"Then let's find Commando and get out of here!" Scout ordered and began to follow Commando's homing beacon.

After a few seconds, they found another armoured warrior in teal armour that was waiting by a K79-S80 Imperial Troop Transport.
"Where have you been?" be said to Anubis as he approached the two and grabbed Anubis by the arm and pulled him into a split-second embrace before releasing him half a second later. "Get in the transport now." he said demandingly.

Just as the trio made their way into the transport, swarms of Imperial Troopers filled the hangar.
"You know how to pilot and this right?" Anubis asked Commando.
"No. I thought I'd leave it to Scout's A.I. to download the main computer and basically pilot it itself."
"That I can do, commander." Brendon said as Scout pulled his chip from the back of her head and plugged it into the console.

Within seconds, Brendon had the transport up and running and it blasted its way out of the hangar.

Unfortunately, a few speeder bikes and transports pursued the escapees and began firing upon them.

"We can't reach the camp from here, we've got to go someplace else." Commando said. "We have to get off the road first." Scout said to him.

"No don't. I have an idea." Anubis stated as he began patching someone into his comm channel.

"Hera, where are you guys? We are being pursued by Imperial forces and are in need of immediate extract!" Anubis yelled. Then he received his predicted response:
"Where in the name of Ryloth have you been, Aurek?"
"Now's not the time Jarrus. Meet us at the end of the highway outside of Capital City as soon as possible." he instructed as he terminated the transmission.

"New friends of yours?" Scout asked.
"One might say" he answered.

After a couple of minutes of speeding down the highway with persistent Imperial forces, the Ghost appeared.
It hovered just slightly above the end of the highway out of the city with its cargo bay door open.

"Come on, guys. Let's go." Anubis ordered as he made his way on top of the transport. Commando followed and so did Scout, after she grabbed Brendon and pulled him from the transport's control console.

When they were close enough, the three jumped and made it into the cargo bay. Then the ship lifted up into the sky and left the planet as it entered Hyperspace.

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