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All the other tribes have now known of trollstopia. Step three was going to go in action.

Petal walked into the gate of Dash's home. She waved to Milton, who was at full time in the pet and vet to make sure all the animals were healthy before trollstopia began. Milton waved back happily.

Petal's hand was in a fist, ready to knock the door, when the door quickly opened with Dash standing right in front of Petal.

"Great! You're here!" Dash pulled Petal's hand inside.

Petal, Dash, and Pinch sat on a rug on the floor. Pinch laid out a blueprint he made with Petal for their trollstopia idea.

There were five beautiful, detailed areas that seemed to be for each tribe. A lagoon for the techno trolls, a small town for the country trolls, a tall tower that looked like a flower for the classical trolls, a hollow for the rock trolls, the spaceship used for the funk trolls, a small hangout area for k-pop, a nice and warm, beachy area for reggaton, and a mountain for the yodelers. Chaz almost hypnotized every tribe and captured them to adjust to smooth jazz culture, so he was excluded.

"Pinch and I went around and asked for designs of small areas used for hanging out/living, one for each tribe. We'll see how it goes, then later we can maybe add a train system that connects all the neighborhoods together. Then, I got Queen Poppy and King Branch's approval for them and now they are starting to build them! We even took a photo of each one individually so then they easily know what to build, that way we BOTH have copies to compare designs!" Dash smiled.

"Dash, that's a perfect idea! Also, I didn't know you were such a great artist!" Petal said.

"Uh... no, I'm a terrible artist. I did the handwriting. Pinch did the art."

"Wow... I assumed his art would be... very rough."

"It is," he said. "But that's only how it starts, then, it turns into something miraculous." Pinch's eyes twinkled, and he made a soft smile and blushed.

"...not again... he always tried to sound inspirational whenever he says one of his quotes..." Dash groaned.

Petal covered her mouth, trying to hold her laughter in. Then she did the same sexy pose:
"Then it turns into something miraculous."

Dash and Petal burst out, then Pinch left to his room.

"I... I sounded so manly.. they ruined it..."

Later, Dash and Petal checked out the places being built in progress.

"Rock Hollow looks wonderful, exactly how Pinch was drawing it!" Dash awed at the scenery.

The builders nodded and continued.

"They are working hard at this thing," Petal said. "I've never thought of one small idea I've had becoming so big.

"Yes! Big as a... um... tree?" Dash questioned.

"I'll take that," Petal responded.

"And big as Branch's... er... bunker!!!" Poppy jumped into the conversation.

Dash and Petal blinked twice.

"Pffff, I know you are teenagers, but don't let your minds carry you away... anyways sorry for barging into both of you, I'm just REALLY excited for this trollstopia thing!"

"Thank you, Mom! I'm so glad we were able to get this thing to work!" Petal squealed. "It's time for us to move on to the next tribe!"

"Bye! You girls have fun!"

Dash and Petal walked away.

The builders started at the Queen.

"No, really, I actually didn't know what to say," she said.

Dash turned to Petal.

"I'm sixteen and I still don't understand what she means! How would our minds think differently?" Dash said.

"I'm not going to discuss that." Petal faced forward quickly.

"How do you still understand when you are two years younger than me?"

"End of discussion!" Petal ran ahead to check out the next new neighborhood.

"Sus as an imposter." Dash used some '20s slang, which annoyed Pinch often.

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