♪ 𝟓 ♪

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I mean, I don't talk to her very often, but she seems to be able to withstand my insults. "Demon Bitch" out of all of them really did the job I guess... I called her a fucking teletubbie once even.

She used to seem extremely drab and boring to me, but now she's kind of interesting. I mean it's hard not to pay attention to her when she has horns on her fucking head, and a tail moving constantly.

Even without the horns and tail, she is kind of hard to stare away from. Her long scarlet hair, and her crimson eyes that literally look the exact same to mine, it makes her hard to ignore. It's almost scary.

I don't really understand why she started crying... but I shouldn't be focusing on this as much. It shouldn't even fucking matter to me. All I know is that it was calling her a "demon bitch" is what set her off.

I'm kind of interested on how strong she actually is... since she was able to shove me off without a problem. If she's that fucking strong, how come she doesn't use it in training?

( 𝑌/𝑁) 𝑃 𝑂𝑉

I wake up and look over to my clock... fun it's 7 a.m.... so fun yay. I'm still kind of anxious about yesterday... it just brings back memories, I don't want to think of right now.

I really thought I could forget about my time in middle school, but of course I couldn't. Traumatic as fuck. Love that for me.

I walk downstairs in the same tank top and sweatpants I wore last night, to go grab some breakfast. Because I'll be damned if I miss Iida's waffles.

I head down and my eyes lock for a brief moment with Bakugo's... and the feeling of jealousy wells up. He's able to have red eyes without being called a demon or a villain... even if it's a small thing, it's so unfair.

I divert my eyes and grab a waffle and sit next to Jiro and Momo. Ahhh... my favourite lesbians. I begin to devour my food and overhear the two talk about whatever they want.

I feel eyes glued to the back of my head and I turn to see Bakugo staring at me.... what the hell does he want? He's probably confused, sure, but I don't take him for one to be interested in his classmates if it doesn't benefit himself.

I blink at him, but his eyes don't falter... he's an odd one for sure. I turn back to Jiro and Momo, and they look at me slightly confused when I sigh.

"Is everything alright, (Y/n)?" Momo asks me and I pause before registering her question.

"Oh yeah I'm fine, it's nothing..." I respond softly and Jiro quirks an eyebrow at me.

"Ok... but why is Bakugo staring at you so intensely?" Jiro questions and I sigh realizing he hasn't stopped staring yet... what's his problem?

"I don't know why really, all I know is Aizawa is forcing me to have him tutor me in math... and Bakugo doesn't seem too happy about it." I breathe out and they nod sympathetically.

We all finish up eating and head up to our rooms to change into our uniforms. The one positive of changing my appearance is that I don't have to deal with figuring out how to wear a skirt with a tail.


DOES AIZAWA HAVE A VENDETTA AGAINST ME OR SOMETHING??? Aizawa, in Aizawa fashion of course paired me with Bakugo for today's training, which is battles... yay! I will die! I don't want my death to be in Gym Gamma... this is the last place I want to die in.

Like, sir, excuse me, but you've been partnering me with Bakugo too damn much as of recent, and I am not cool with that. I would like a apology and compensation for my mental sanity. I shuffle over to Aizawa and lean in next to his ear.

"How much for me not to be with Bakugo?" I whisper a bribe to him and he irks at me.

"Not enough, and there's no way out of this (L/n). I know you're holding back during training." Aizawa responds monotonously and I pout.

Fuck... I thought money was going to work... next time I'll bring a kitten or something. I also kind of hate that Aizawa knows that I look like the Devil's daughter secretly... like I know he has to, but I would prefer it if no one knew... too bad two people do already.

I sigh as I walk over to Bakugo in my hero costume, I'm almost preparing for my beautiful outfit to be destroyed. I absolutely adore my fit, it's a matching red long sleeve crop top, with red high waisted shorts.

It's so comfortable too... I might've done that on purpose so if I ever get tired I could knock out in it... whoops. I glance over to him, and I don't think he's noticed my presence yet, so I decide to do something dumb, because why not?

"Boo!" I startle him a little, which is kind of surprising and he turns to face me with his hands making small explosions already. Uh oh. Getting deja vú.

I start running because I want to live, and he comes chasing after me. I start utilizing my quirk and begin to run fast, not as fast as Iida, but still pretty fast. I eventually get tired of running and he catches up to me, and sends an explosion my way.

He's extremely lucky that I regenerate faster than the average person, and have a strong resistance, but my clothes don't. RIP my hero costume, well it's my fault I made it with comfy materials and not strong materials.

My top falls off, and I'm lucky my short had a will to live and stayed on my body. MY FUCKING BRA BURNED TOO, I FUCKING HATE IT HERE. The dust starts to settle around me, and I start to freak out. MINETA FUCKING EXISTS, SOMEONE SAVE ME.

I see Bakugo emerge from the dust, heading towards me and I cover my exposed chest. And I stare up at him with a flushed face.

"Hi Bakugo." I greet fully embarrassed and my will to live has escaped me suddenly...

" I greet fully embarrassed and my will to live has escaped me suddenly

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a/n: the second hand embarrassment... anyways thanks for reading :)

~1097 words~


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