♪ 𝟐𝟏 ♪

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He either spends his time training or sulking. He's trying his best to comprehend everything that's happened but he can't.

With no word on where (Y/n) could be, he's turned into a hollow version of himself and no one in his class understands fully why.

As much as he wants to go and search for her himself, he has no idea where to start besides the League of Villains, and no one knows where they're located.

Bakugo feels angry, angry at the people who took her, angry at the heroes who haven't found her yet, and angry at himself for not being able to protect her.

Laying on the common room couch, he emotionlessly stares at the ceiling. He doesn't know what to feel anymore, and doesn't know what (Y/n) would want him to feel.

He tries to push all his emotions into training because (Y/n) would want him to try his best to focus while everything gets resolved.

"Bakugo, can we talk for a moment?" Round Face asks me and I don't even respond and stand up to walk away from her.

She grabs my bicep and I glare at her and she releases.

"Just for a second, it's about (L/n)." She says to me and my eyes widen and I grunt and follow her outside.

We reach outside and she looks like she's done something wrong. Her face reads 'guilty' and I furrow my brows at her.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so so so sorry! I can't handle hiding everything anymore." Round Face cries out and falls to her knees and I look at her confused.

"Why are you apologizing? What the fuck did you do?" I ask angrily and she continues to cry.

Why is she crying? It has to be something to do with (Y/n), and she seems like she's been holding this in for a while to just drop to the ground like that.

"I- I- I was attacked a couple weeks ago by Toga from the League of Villains and she asked me a bunch of questions about you!" She cries out and I stare at her confused.

If she was attacked then why didn't she report it? Questions about me... huh I guess they really are still after me. I thought I was paranoid for nothing but I was right. I'm surprised they asked her though of all people.

"Apparently... the league wanted information on you and thought I was your girlfriend or close to you and when they found out I wasn't, they threatened me and told to find out who was closest to you or else I would die..." She whimpers out and my eyes widen with anger and fear.

Is that why she asked if (Y/n) was my girlfriend? I'm... I might lose it. She came to my room to get intel on whoever is the most important person to me.

Uraraka could've said my parents or Shitty Hair, could've said any of them. She could've gotten them killed. She selfishly was searching to find who I cared the most about and picked (Y/n)... jesus fucking christ.

(Y/n) would've never been a target it wasn't for fucking Uraraka... I would still have my girlfriend here... she'd still be here... I'll fucking kill her.

"You... you ratted out (Y/n)... got her kidnapped... just to save your own damn life?! You're supposed to be a fucking hero not a traitor!" I yell at the top of my lungs, completely enraged by her actions.

"I didn't want it to be her! Do you think I wanted it to be her of all people?! I was relieved when you said she wasn't your girlfriend! I just was at the wrong place at the wrong time, and saw you two coming out of a closet! I didn't want it to be her but I had no choice..." Uraraka yells out and I see that she really didn't want it to be (Y/n), but that doesn't change anything... she still screwed over her classmate.

She's still the bad guy.

At this point I noticed Deku walked outside and worriedly look at the both of us... I know I may hate him but right now I need him to do something about Round Face before I kill her.

"Deku... get fucking Aizawa. Right now." I demand of him as I stare down at the sobbing girl.

"I don't care if you were afraid or scared, (Y/n) is now fucking terrified and trapped somewhere, or could be dead because of you. You betrayed her... you're not a hero, you can't be after doing something so heartless." I grit through my teeth and sobs become louder with every word I spoke.

"I would've died Bakugo!" Uraraka tries to explain and I grow angry.

"And (Y/n) could be dead right now! It doesn't matter that you could've died, you decided your life was worth more than her's!" I continue to berate her and I grow more and more stressed realizing (Y/n) truly could be dead right now.

The doors slam open and I see Aizawa with Deku by his side and he glares at me first since the situation looks a bit different from his point of view right now.

"What the hell is going on?" Aizawa ask angrily and I furrow my brows at him.

"I don't know, ask her why don't you?! Uraraka, how about you fucking explain how you told the league to kill (Y/n) instead of you basically?!" I yell out and Deku's face turns to pure shock and Aizawa can't hold back his surprised expression.

"O- Ochaco is this true?" Deku asks her and she meekly nods, hiding her face behind her bangs in pure shame.

"Aizawa, do something!" I yell at him and he sighs full of disappointment wrapping his scarf around her wrists to stop her from running, but I doubt she was going to.

"Midoriya, call the police so we can do a formal interrogation." Aizawa tells Deku and he nods sadly.

It's not my fault Round Face worked with the villains... even it was to save her life. I just hope that I can see (Y/n) again... just a moment more, just a second.

I want to hear her insult me for being angry all the time, to have her play her guitar again as loud as she wants, just anything with her.

a/n: hi, anyways thanks for reading :)

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a/n: hi, anyways thanks for reading :)

~1047 words~


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