♪ 𝟏𝟐 ♪

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A certain annoying little grape boy says as he walks into class.

Everyone chooses to ignore him since whenever he has something to say it's something perverted, and no one fucking wants to hear that shit.

"I'm serious, it's something crazy!" He whines out and I roll my eyes, and stare out the window.

I don't give a rats ass about whatever the hell he's talking about. I'm literally so tired... I spent the whole night last night thinking about Bakugo kissing me on the cheek.

I seriously didn't know what to think. I even skipped tutoring with everyone, because I was so on edge. It's completely unexpected from him honestly to do something like that.

It makes me question if I like him as more than a friend. If I ended up dating him for some reason, it would be hard to explain that I'm Katsuki Bakugo's girlfriend. The winner of the sports festival who was chained up.

"Fine! I'll just say it! I saw Bakugo making out with a girl during lunch yesterday!" Mineta yells and I turn to him confused... I was the only one he was with during lunch yesterday though... oh hell fucking no.

Mineta is extremely lucky right now that Bakugo isn't here yet. I bet that little pervert would've been dead by now with the rumour he's trying to spread about him.

Everyone stares at the grape boy in awe and confusion, it is completely out of character for Bakugo to be engaged in something none hero related or school related, so I understand the complete and utter puzzlement.

"Mineta, I doubt it was Kacchan... he's never been interested in romance, and I doubt he ever will be." Midoriya says, and I agree with him full heartedly.

The only problem is, Bakugo kissed my cheek and now that's fucking with my image of him. I thought he was some dedicated angry hero type guy, but he's an actual human being... crazy.

"Yeah, and the only girls that were near him yesterday was me and (Y/n)." Mina says and I try and hide my reaction as best as I could.

"Wait, (L/n)? Since when were they so close?" Uraraka asks with worried eyes and I bury my head into my arms.

Why is everyone so hung up that Bakugo has friends? He's a good person once you get to know him, it'd only be fair he has people around him too.

"You didn't know that they're friends?" Kaminari questions and I peek my head out to see a few people staring at me.

"It wasn't (L/n) though, it was some girl with long red hair. That's all I could notice about her, since Bakugo had her pinned to a wall." Mineta points out and I have Sero, Mina, Kaminari, and Kirishima stare at me in shock.

"I don't know anybody who would know Bakugo with red hair besides Kirishima." Midoriya says and I begin to get a little nervous, since the four other people who know my secret besides Bakugo, are drilling a hole into my head with their eyes.

I feel like universe hates me.

Bakugo quickly slams the door open and yells, "(Y/n)! Why the hell didn't you go to tutoring?!". I get shocked from the sound of the door slamming and his loud voice calling my first name, which isn't something he uses often and *POOF*.

I FUCKING HATE IT HERE. Everyone is staring at me in complete shock and I just want to die. I stand up and walk towards him feeling eyes follow my every move.

"BAKUGO, YOU FUCKING IDIOT! YOU KNOW NOT TO SURPRISE ME!" I yell at him and he stares at me for a moment before he realizes he exposed me basically.

"It's all your fault! Everyone probably thinks I'm a liar, and thinks I'm a villain, or a demon!" I yell at him again, and I feel tears well up in my eyes.

I feel really overwhelmed with anxiety and thoughts... I have no idea how my classmates are going to react. I'm just scared... I'm really scared and nervous.

I feel two strong arms wrap around me and pull me into a hug. I continue to cry into his chest and feel myself grow tired and weak in his grasp.

"I'm sorry..." He mutters into my ear and I continue to sniffle.

"You're stupid, ya know that?" I joke lightly and I feel myself collapse and pass out.


"Bakugo, did you actually make out with her?" Round Face asks me with a desperate look on her face and I furrow my brows in annoyance.

"None of your fucking business." I tell her and she looks a little a taken aback, but I don't give two shits.

Aizawa allowed me to skip class and wait for (Y/n) to wake up outside Recovery Girl's office, since it's kind of my fault she passed out due to being overwhelmed. A few people are waiting with me right now, since it's lunch and they're curious about the truth.

"How long have you known that she hides her real appearance?" Headphones questions me, and I sigh.

"Over a month, maybe two." I reply and she nods, seeming happy with my answer.

"Is she actually your girlfriend? Because if she is, I'm really sorry about flirting with her yesterday." Kaminari apologizes to me and I look down at my lap.

Do I want (Y/n) to be my girlfriend? I mean, I didn't like it when Dunce face was pestering her with shitty pick-up lines, and I let myself do what I wanted, and picked her up and walked out of the cafeteria.

I don't want anyone else to have her. I don't know if that sounds creepy and possessive, but I want her to be mine, and I want to be her's. I sound stupid, but that's what I want.

"She's awake, but as to not overwhelm her, only one person can go in right now." Recovery Girl says and I immediately walk in, without a second thought.

I see her laying on the bed, her eyes a little puffy and red. Our eyes meet and I feel guilt wash over me. If only I kept my mouth shut for once.

a/n: hey anyways thanks for reading :)

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a/n: hey anyways thanks for reading :)

~1117 words~


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