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My life is officially over. I mean at least he wasn't a total ass about it, and had the decency to look away. I'm still completely humiliated though, since Midoriya also saw me like that.

It could've been worse, but it could've been so much better... if he didn't have a fucking temper and a tendency to explode things. If only he took today off from his quirk, I would still have my dignity.

I blame him for what happened, but I'm kind of surprised he was sort of a gentleman about it. He could've stared at me, not given me his shirt, ignored my feeling of being uncomfortable when Midoriya was staring, and not waved Momo over.

For Bakugo, I think that's one of the most consistent amount of kind actions he's done for a person. I know sometimes he'll be nice to someone, but will immediately blow up if they thank him, or completely deny he did anything to help them.

He didn't deny my thanks... but he didn't respond either. Just a soothing hum. I should probably head over now for tutoring with him, since he goes to bed early. I don't want to miss my window of opportunity.

I grab my math things and then realize I almost forgot his shirt which I washed and folded neatly. I pick it up and carry it with my other things, and head towards his room.

I reach the door and just open it. I didn't really think twice about it for some reason, maybe pay back for when he barged in on me.

"Bakugo, I have your shirt, and I'm here for-" I cut myself off when I realize he has visitors... four to be exact. FUCK.

I blush intensely, and thank god that I didn't change appearance from shock. I stare at Kaminari, Ashido, Kirishima, and Sero, who are sitting around Bakugo's small coffee table and on his bed.

He would murder me if anyone touched his bed, so I don't know why they seem so comfortable in his room. I realize Bakugo isn't here... huh? Bakugo never leaves his room, unless it's to train.

This is his room though, I recognize his collection of romance books... he covered them. Of course he did. He probably forgot he had to tutor me still, like one math lesson isn't going to make me suddenly good at math.

"(Y/n), what are you doing here?" Ashido asks me curiously and I pause. Do I lie or no?

"Um... I-" I try and speak out, but I end up stuttering a bit and getting cut off.

"Wait, why do you have Bakugo's shirt? He never lets anyone touch his things..." Kirishima asks suspiciously and I sweat drop.

I know it looks bad and all, but I am a pure soul, who did nothing wrong. I am innocent. Oh fuck, how do I explain that I was blackmailed by Bakugo about a week ago, I helped him with his shitty haiku, he helped me with homework, and he saw me naked... without it sounding super weird?

You just can't explain it without it sounding bad. It's impossible, it all sounds bad. I don't even think I can see him that way... so I don't love that they might get the wrong idea, even if I give them the honest truth.

"Well you see-" I'm cut off once again, like damn let a girl finish her sentence for once.

Bakugo's door opens and I don't even turn around to know it's him. One: Because he smells like caramel, it's kind of hard to miss and Two: because only so many people would voluntarily come to Bakugo's room. I'm kind of scared, but I don't move a muscle and I end up staring at the ground.

"Ah my shirt..." He mumbles as he maneuvers his body around mine, and grabs his shirt off my pile of notebooks.

I left a few notebooks in here last time since I ran out crying, but knowing Bakugo, a part of me thinks he might've thrown them out so I brought some new ones.

"Why the hell are you idiots in here?" Bakugo growls at the other four in the room besides me and I internally keep in my shock. Wow, he's not yelling at me surprisingly.

"Why is she in here?" Sero teases back and I hold in my blush. SERO IT'S NOT LIKE THAT, I'M JUST REALLY BAD AT MATH.

"None of your business, now get the fuck out." He spits out in return and moves to stand in front of me completely, and I think Sero might've struck a nerve.

I'm the one who is now going to have to deal with an angry Bakugo... so unfair. The four of them pout and try using puppy dog eyes on him... they are definitely here for something. That's for sure.

"I think they came here to ask you for something." I lean up to his ear behind him and whisper.

He groans, I bet feeling annoyed with all the 'extras' bothering him so much, me included.

"What do you shitheads want?" Bakugo asks with furrowed brows and a completely annoyed expression.

The all breathe in and try to sync up their words together, "PLEASE TUTOR US!" they all beg at the same time, and I pause realizing it's somewhat impressive how they were actually able to do it.

"Fine, only because I'm already teaching this idiot as well." Bakugo replies and puts his hand on my head to signify I am said idiot... like we know.

This is what began our almost daily tutoring sessions in Bakugo's room. Sometimes in mine if he can't find time to hide his collection, and I'd feel bad if his hobby was exposed. Although I don't really want to admit it... overtime he's become bearable, and I almost enjoy his company... almost. One month can't fix everything...

a/n: hi anyways thanks for reading :)

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a/n: hi anyways thanks for reading :)

~1022 words~


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