♪ 𝟏𝟖 ♪

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Aizawa questions under his breath as he stares at the two passed out teens, curled into each others arms, laying on the back porch of the 1-A alliance dorms.

"(L/n), Bakugo." He sternly says trying to wake the two of them up.

Aizawa nudges Bakugo with his foot since he knows shaking him might cause him to explode, and he's not in the mood to die currently.

"Mmm..." Bakugo groans in his sleep and turns to (Y/n) and protectively wraps his arms around her smaller frame.

Aizawa wonders since when did Bakugo have a soft spot for any of his classmates, but decides to ignore it since he still has two idiots sleeping on a porch.

"Bakugo!" He yells at the boy and he jolts awake, slightly paranoid to what's going on.

The blonde boy looks up at the taller man, and scowls realizing he had passed out while stargazing with his girlfriend. He groans before gently shaking (Y/n) awake as well and she just buries her head into his waist.

Bakugo gives in deciding she probably won't wake up, since it's only six in the morning and they were out later than usual. He stands up and softly picks her up bridal style and is met face to face with his tired teacher.

"I'm not gonna ask why you two slept on the porch, just don't do it again." Aizawa coldly states and Bakugo nods, heading inside with the sleeping girl still in his arms.

Bakugo heads up back to his dorm and lays her on his bed and he works on some homework until she wakes up.

In a way they're lucky it was Aizawa who caught them instead of one of their classmates, since they would have a few questions about their relationship from them. Thankfully Aizawa doesn't give a shit about teenage romance.

"Katsuki..." (Y/n) whines out to him and he turns around in his desk chair to see her staring lazily at him.

"Morning." Bakugo replies and she smiles at him before pouting, which confuses him since she switched in mere seconds.

"I'm cold." She simply states and he groans before standing up and joining her in bed.

It's true it's getting colder since summer has about come to an end, and Katsuki can barely believe it.

Within the two months he's truly gotten to know (Y/n), he's cared a lot more about everything surrounding himself, instead of just himself.

He was always paranoid, and had nightmares about everything that's happened, but now he's worried the same things could happen to her.

He could've never imagined someone becoming such a top priority to him, someone he used to never pay attention to. Bakugo wishes a little that he payed attention sooner, so she could've been his always.

Katsuki's read countless romance novels, but he doesn't know what to do for her to show how much he cares. The guys in those books always get flowers or have a long speech or something, but he can't do that.

He thinks she's better than flowers, and he knows he's awful at speeches about his feelings, but still wants to show his gratitude and appreciation for her.

It's quite odd how she used to bother him so much by just playing her guitar loudly every night, and that lead to him finding out she isn't so boring.

Katsuki himself, finds it quite weird that he once thought about what their kids would look like. He thought he was thinking too far ahead for a couple that's only been together for a week, but honestly just wants to spend the rest of his life with her.

Doing simple things like laying in bed, walking hand in hand, talking to one another, and so many little things, just made him realize how much he wanted this bliss forever.

If he didn't already plan to be the new number one hero, he could see himself living a simple life with her with a kid or something, and training them to be a hero.


"Has anyone ever told you that you smell good?" I hear (Y/n) question me quietly and I blush at her words.

"No." I respond and she buries her head into my neck.

"You smell like caramel... sweet just like you." She jokes and I hold her close my body.

"You're the only person besides the old hag who thinks I'm "sweet"." I tell her with a groan and she laughs a little.

"You are though, just in your own way and only to people you like." (Y/n) explains to me and I only hum in response.

The old hag would definitely like her, probably too much and would try to replace me with her. They would get along, and in the end my mom will think she's too good for me or something, but I mean, I think that too.

"Do you ever wonder what our kids would look like?" (Y/n) questions out of the blue and I look at her surprise, since I've thought about it too.

"Yeah, they'll probably have my blonde hair and your horns. We both have red eyes so there's no doubt they won't have them too." I tell her honestly and she softly grins at me.

"You really have thought about it..." She whispers kindly and I kiss her gently.

"Of course I have, idiot..." I say to her and she chuckles.

"Moments like these makes me wish I liked you longer." (Y/n) admits and I stare at her confused.

"Like, I thought that you were just an arrogant asshole who only cared about himself for the longest time, and now looking back I wish I didn't think that way. You're caring in your own way and you even care about some of our classmates, even if you don't want to admit it. You're strong and try to keep a strong front so no one has to worry about you. I really wish I saw all your good qualities before..." She explains to me and I've never felt more cared about, or loved.

"It's okay... I'm not exactly charming or fucking likable so I understand if you got a bad impression, but you understand me a bit better now, and I understand you a bit better too." I reassure her and she pulls me into a tight hug.

"Can we just stay here all day?" (Y/n) nervously asks me and I chuckle before nodding.

"Can we just stay here all day?" (Y/n) nervously asks me and I chuckle before nodding

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a/n: hey hey hey... anyways thanks for reading :)

~1155 words~


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