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The old hag yells from downstairs and get out of bed and head down, without yelling back even.

I spend all my weekends at home now since (Y/n) got kidnapped, since I fear that my parents might get hurt too, I want to be as close to them as possible.

I head downstairs and see said letter and the address on the front is written in a familiar handwriting I just can't place. I rip it open and my eyes widen as I begin to read.


I'm currently being held by the League of Villains, and I have no doubt that I am going to be killed. I've written this letter over and over again wondering "what should I even say when I'm about to die?"

I've missed you more than you can imagine, and being apart from you has been tearing me apart. Sometimes I wish to hear you yell "die" and boast about becoming the number one hero just once more. I wish to see you, really badly, but I know that once you get this letter... I'll be dead.

One of the villains promised to send this and I trust he will. I knew you've probably been through so much while I've been kidnapped. Your worst nightmare happened and I'm so sorry. I want you to know, that you should never blame yourself. It wasn't your fault.

At the end of the day I feel like I failed you because it became harder and harder for me to fight back, and I grew mentally weak and physically exhausted. I'm sorry for giving up.

I know one day you'll be an amazing hero, and I'll be watching. I promise you I will. Don't give up on being hero.

When I'm pronounced dead, since I know the villains will alert to my death in some way, I want you to visit my grandparents. They lost me and my dad, and I want someone to check in on them.

Please introduce yourself, they will embrace you with open arms and my grandmother is a good cook and she likes spicy food like you. I'm worried that they'll be lost without me, so please at least tell them how you knew me. Be honest with them. They deserve to know how much I care about you.

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