♪ 𝟏𝟔 ♪

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And in that time I was able to explain myself to my classmates. It was hard, but I was able to push through my insecurities and say what I needed to say.

Everyone apologized, even though they did nothing wrong, they said they felt bad for doubting my morals and suspecting me as anything but innocent.

I feel accepted and that means the world to me honestly. It now shows that I don't only have Katsuki to rely on anymore and everyone has my back now.

Aizawa was a little worried for me since he said that it's likely villains will find a way to get backgrounds on everyone in our class since they want to figure out who's the easiest to manipulate into getting information from, and the fact that I've had people suspect me as a villain will make me vulnerable to them.

Villains are kind of stupid, especially the League Of Villains, since they thought Katsuki, of all people, would want to join them and go against hero society... truly idiots.

And if they're dumb enough to come after me based on me getting bullied in middle school, that's also dumb. I mean sure, I've doubted hero society before, but it makes me want to change things even more now.

I'm now heading over to the 1-C dorms, since I finally mustered up enough courage to talk to that Shinso guy. Midoriya warned me that he's pretty antisocial and a little blunt at times, but if I can handle Katsuki, I can handle him.

I reach the dorms and I ask around and I find out which room he's in. I head up the elevator and reach his room and knock lightly, just loud enough so he can hear.

He opens the door and looks down at me and I smile a little nervously at him and he just stares at me annoyed.

"What do you want? And who are you?" Shinso asks me coldly and I can tell what Midoriya means by blunt for sure. He's straight to the point.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n) (L/n). Midoriya said we have something in common and thought it would be good for me to talk to you." I smile as bright as I can towards him and he groans.

"Look, I don't need friends, I'm here to become a hero." Shinso replies seriously and I can't help but laugh a little.

"You're as serious and cold as Aizawa. Listen, people assume I'm a villain and the same goes for you, let's talk about it." I boldly say and he seems a bit taken aback.

"I don't need to talk about it." He tells me with a blank stare.

"We both have the same problem, that everyone else here can't relate to, so we should become friends." I tell him honestly and he sighs in defeat.

"Fine, but if you get too annoying I'll kick you out." Shinso warns me and I get deja vú.

"You sound just like my boyfriend." I giggle and he rolls his eyes.

I walk in and it's pretty bland, I mean he is a very monotone person, so I should only expect a monotone coloured room. There is a small hero card of Eraserhead in the corner, and I smile softly that he actually is a fan of something.

"What class are you in?" Shinso asks abruptly and then I remember that most people outside my class won't realize that I'm now a totally new person basically.

"I'm in 1-A, long story short, I used my quirk to hide my appearance and then my idiot boyfriend scared me on accident and I accidentally stopped my quirk in surprise, and my true look got exposed." I tell him and he hums.

"So what is your quirk?" Shinso questions curiously.

"Mines called 'Devil', fun right? I'm basically better at most things than a normal human, so I'm stronger, faster, and can heal quicker. I can also change my appearance for up to ten hours, but if I get too shocked or embarrassed I switch back to my normal appearance." I casually explain and he hums.

"What's yours?" I ask a little nervous, I mean he's apparently been treated and assumed a villain too, but he looks like a tired teenager. He's not that scary.

"Mind control, if you respond to me I can control your mind." He simply replies and I widen my eyes in surprise.

"Yours is way cooler than mine! I just have stupid horns and a tail! Life's so unfair." I whine and he chuckles a little and I jolt in surprise.

"You can laugh?" I say surprised and he deadpans at me.

"I'm still human ya know." He responds, a little salty.

"Lucky you, I'm called a demon half the time." I joke and we both laugh. He doesn't suck, maybe we could be good friends.

"You have any card games?" I ask curiously and he pauses and stands up and grabs some cards.

"I have Uno." He replies monotonously and I smile.

"Let's play!" I say excitedly and he rolls his eyes before sitting back down and we begin to play.

Hitoshi Shinso... a new friend... isn't that nice?

a/n: hola anyways thanks for reading :)

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a/n: hola anyways thanks for reading :)

~943 words~


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