chapter 1(24)

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The next morning was filled with excitement as everyone filed into the dining hall to await the upcoming announcement.

George had a slightly uneasy feeling settling in his stomach as he walked from his house to the hall.

This wasn't going to be a big deal, right? This was going to be better than collecting the blaze rods, right? The entire walk George was trying to push the thoughts out of his head. If anything he should be happy that they have a new plan. This means one step closer to beating the game and one step closer to being home, safe, with Dream.

Upon entering the hall George and Bad went to find a seat near the back of the hall, while Sapnap and Dream headed onto the stage to make the announcement.

"Hello everyone" Dream began. The crowd quieted down as the anticipation to hear the new plan steadily rose.

"As I am sure you are all already aware you've been called here today because we have a plan on how to get ender pearls." All eyes were on dream as he relayed the plan he, Tommy, Tubbo and Sapnap had spent the past few days coming up with. "Assuming all goes according to plan this should be easier than retrieving the blazerods. Many of our newer joiners will know that once you spawn you end up in a cell that the hunters crafted around the main spawn point, they then send out one person a day as a sacrifice to the endermen they then attack the enderman and burn any dropped pearls. Our plan is as simple as that, minus the burning the pearl part. Anyone fit enough and willing to fight will break off into teams of 5 or 6 and at night they will go out leaving one person of the group vulnerable while the other wait close by. When the enderman comes to attack the vulnerable person, the others will jump out of where they are hiding and they will attack and kill the enderman collecting any dropped pearls."

Dream was clever and he always came up with a plan that - in theory - would work in favour of their strengths and that would work against their enemies. Dream was a natural born leader and George had always admired him because of it. George wished he could be as smart and as brave as Dream was.

Once Dream had finished, the hall exploded into fits of chatter and applause. There was uncertainty in the air but they were one step closer to beating the game.

"In the event that we are ambushed by hunters, similar to the previous plan, we will have a group stay behind to protect the people collecting pearls. We will begin collecting the pearls in a few days when everyone is ready. Until then I expect everyone to focus on preparing." With that dream walked off the stage and over to his friends, leaving the people in the hall to disperse and begin preparations.

As Dream and Sapnap walked over, George's stomach once again filled with the all too familiar feeling of fear. Just days ago that fear had fizzed away leaving George feeling relieved for the first time since he arrived and now it was back and as prominent as ever. 

"You alright?" Dream asked as they started the short walk back to their houses. He knew by the look on George's face that something was troubling him.

"I'm just scared that this plan will backfire like it did with the blaze rods." He admitted.

George felt a sense of comfort as Dream slid a hand into his own lightly squeezing it.

"It'll be alright, I'll protect you I promise Georgie" He teased.

The heat began to rise in his cheeks and rolled his eyes as he playfully smacked Dream on the arm.

He knew that no matter how scared he was they needed his help and it would have been pointless for him to come here if he didn't help.

A part of him felt better because Dream was making an effort to trust him. Just that thought was enough to boost his confidence and make him smile.

Free the end, beat the game [Dreamnotfound] // continuedWhere stories live. Discover now