☆ 06 | Quirrell ☆

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Dear Mumma

I can't believe it's already mid-December. I know I have written little in the last two months, but I was very busy with our exams coming up just after Christmas, the classes, homework, quidditch practice, and lots more.

So much has happened in the last few months.

You won't believe someone led a troll into the dungeons on Halloween. It attacked Hermione. Draco noticed her absence, and we found her crying in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom with the troll trying to get to her. We could defeat it by confusing and levitating it. We have become friends after that incident and now we four are best of friends. Hermione is intelligent and helps us a lot.

Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall were angry when they found us standing next to a full-grown unconscious troll. Thankfully, we didn't get any detentions, but we lost 20 points each.

When we were returning to our dormitories, Hermione told us she was upset because Ron has called her a know-it-all mud blood and so she was very upset. Draco had told her that Ron was jealous because she was intelligent. We all agreed to be friends after we found out no one was friends with her in Gryffindor, and now we are inseparable.

We also had our first quidditch match against Gryffindor in October. We won after I caught the snitch. I earned 150 points during the game, but I don't think it counts for Christmas because it would be unfair to those who do not play quidditch. During the match, someone jinxed my broom, and I would have fallen from about 100 feet if not for Professor Snape. Hermione told me that Professor was chanting the counter curse.

After our first match, we celebrated in our common room. Professor Snape also joined and congratulated all of us. Everyone was so happy.

I also told Draco and Theo about the package that Hagrid took from the wizarding bank. We have been researching that since we accidentally ended up on the third corridor and almost got caught by Filch. We could escape before the big dog ate us. We found out that fluffy, the big dog, was guarding the sorcerer's stone which belongs to Nicolas Flamel, one of Dumbledore's friends, and someone was trying to steal it.

During this period, we often visited Hagrid. He had got a Dragon from a stranger in a game of cards. He also let it slip that fluffy could be controlled by music. We contacted one of Theo's cousin who worked with dragons to take Norbert because it was growing at an alarming rate and couldn't live in the castle. We also got into trouble because of that as Ron has followed us to the astronomy tower and told Professor McGonagall. She was furious and gave us detention with Hagrid in the forbidden forest. She also deducted 50 points each from the five of us for roaming the castle after curfew.

We were there for our detention the next day with Hagrid. I, Draco, and Hermione paired up with Fang and the others were together with Hagrid. Our group came across a very scary scene. Someone was sucking the blood out of a dead unicorn. When we tried to move towards the thing, it spotted us and started to float towards us. I didn't even realize I was wetting myself before everything went black.

The next time I woke up, I was in the hospital wing with Draco, Theo, and Hermione sitting beside my bed. They informed me I passed out after that thing came near me and then Hagrid took me to the hospital wing.

After the detention, everything was normal until we found out that Professor Dumbledore was not in the castle when we visited Hagrid and enquired about the headmaster's absence at breakfast. We were worried about the stone and so we tried to tell professor McGonagall about someone trying to steal it but she wouldn't believe us, so we decided to go and check for ourselves.

When we reached there fluffy was fast asleep with a harp playing magically on the side. We jumped down the hole and were caught in what Hermione called was a Devil's Snare. She told us to relax. We were able to get out of it pretty easily after that. Finding the key was simple. Theo got injured during the chess game. Hermione and Draco helped me with the potion before returning to Theo. Finally, I was able to reach the stairs. Professor Quirrell was already there whispering to himself. I was shocked when someone asked him to use me and obtain the stone. He made me stand in front of the mirror. I saw myself holding the stone and the next thing I know was something heavy fell into my pocket. When Quirrell asked me what I saw, I lied to him. The other voice told him I was lying and he wanted to talk to me. when Quirrell undid his turban, a face emerged from the back of his head. The head told me to hand over the stone but when Quirrell tried to snatch it from me he burned. I took advantage and held his face in my hands till it burned to ashes. A ghost-like form emerged from his body as he collapsed to the ground in a heap of ash. The ghost passed through me but rolled on the ground as soon as he did before he burst into flames. The last thing I remember was Professor Dumbledore's voice calling for me before I lost consciousness.

When I woke up, Professor Dumbledore told me I was unconscious for two days and lost a lot of blood suffering a chest wound after Voldemort passed through me. He also informed me that Voldemort was finally gone and we were having a celebration after I recover. He told me to rest as he has something important to discuss with me after I was released from the hospital wing. I don't know what he needs to say. Maybe I will find out soon.

Lots of love, Harry.


Severus knew what was about to come and braced himself for the worst. 

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