☆ 08 | Christmas ☆

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Dear Mumma

Today was the Christmas celebration in the school. There was a massive feast for those remaining back during the holidays. Professor Dumbledore informed me that I wasn't going back to Dursley's anymore. I was thrilled with the news.

I got some gifts from my friends as well as some from the staff. Draco gave me a snitch. It was so cool. Theo gave me a book on Quidditch tricks. It was just fantastic. I can not wait to try them out on the pitch. Hermione gave me a book called 'Hogwarts -A History ' which had my name in it. Professor McGonagall gave me sweets and a green hand-knitted scarf. Professor Dumbledore gave me the invisibility cloak that belonged to James. He had sent a note saying James wanted me to have it.

Then there was this parcel from someone named 'Molly' which contained many sweets and a jumper with 'H' in embroidery over it. It was beautiful. Draco recognized it as the Weasley jumper and said it was from Ronald's mum. He told me that Ron may be a git, but his mother was nice. She was friends with Draco's and Theo's mum and send them a jumper and sweets every year. Her sweets were the best. He also made me promise not to tell anyone about him making fun of Ron, or his mother would be furious. He was mad at that time when Ron called him a slimy Slytherin and had blurted out the first thing that came to his mind.

I didn't receive anything from Dad (scratched out) Professor Snape because of the points I lost two days ago due to roaming on the grounds. I don't know what was wrong with that, but I guess I broke some rules. So it was only 95 points now. Draco and Theo both got presents from him. I was happy for them.

I don't know why I feel sad for not receiving a gift from him when I didn't get past the set criteria. It's just a stupid gift like I have ever gotten a gift before today.

I had gotten books for Hermione, Draco, and Theo because I didn't know what else to get for them. I also got a journal for Professor Snape. I hope he likes it. Can't be too sure. I didn't write my name on the present, knowing he would throw it away if he knew it was from me.

I will try to get those 100 points next year. I am also studying very hard to get good marks in the upcoming exams.

Lots of Love, Harry


Severus could make out the tear stains on the paper. He was angry at Albus for implying that he needed to get Harry a gift. He remembered Albus telling him about Harry's childhood being similar to his, but he was so drowned in his hatred that he never once considered it.

He had taken 15 points from the boy when he found him wandering ideally on the school grounds for nothing. He had received an expensive journal from an anonymous person and had kept it without even considering it to be a gift from Harry. Minerva gave him anonymous gifts every year. The journal was made of fine parchment with 'SS' engraved on it in gold letters. It also had a charm on it that prevented anyone but him from opening it. It was a thoughtful gift. He cursed himself for causing agony to his son by taking points out of sheer anger and giving gifts to his friends for an achievement his son failed to achieve because of his stupidity. Harry has gained a total of a hundred and ten points, but those 15 points had left his son behind in the race. He didn't know if he would ever be able to meet Harry's eyes after all he had done.

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