☆ 14 | Always ☆

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During Potions Class,

Sev dismissed the class fifteen minutes ago. So that he had enough time to chat with his son.

"Mr Snape please hold on."

Harry had thought he messed something up and ducked his head as he walked towards the front of his father's desk. He didn't want to see the disappointed look on his father's face.

He didn't know he had spaced out until he heard someone call for him. He looked up to see his father sitting on his knees in front of him.

"Harry child, can I give you a hug." He said, extending his arms towards him.

Harry was shocked by the gesture. He felt so happy that he all but launched himself at his father. He tensed up when he finally registered his actions.

Severus felt the boy tense up in his arms before he felt something wet on his robes. The child had wet himself out of fear the second time in front of him. He fished out his wand, cleaning them both.

He could only imagine the trauma his son had gone through when he woke up in a wet bed in the middle of the night, or with the number of accidents he had daily. He might have been able to get his son to loosen up with him, but Harry was reluctant to spend more than a few hours with him. He felt sympathy for his son, who was sobbing quietly into his chest as he sat on the conjured sofa, rocking back and forth, trying to calm down his small bundle in his arms, whispering reassurances in the child's ear.

When he was sure, Harry was calm enough to listen that he started to talk.

"Harry, I am really sorry child for everything I did. Do you think you can forgive me? " He said, looking at Harry, who was now sitting on his lap.

"You want to be my father."


"Just like uncle Lucius is to Draco". Harry asked, looking towards Draco, who was standing beside them.

"Exactly like that."

"Even if I had accidents and wet the bed every night."

"Yes, child, even if you had accidents and wet the bed every night."

Harry grew quiet, but Severus could see the emotions playing in his son's eyes.

"Harry, you can ask me any number of questions you want. I will not scold you." He said softly as he lifted Harry's chin to make eye contact with the child. Despite everyone's assurances, Harry was still not comfortable asking for anything and Sev knew it would take more than a few months to weed out the long-embedded manners in him.

"That means I can call you dad?" Harry asked hesitantly.

Severus smiled down at his son, feeling his heart fill with love for the trust the child was showing in him after everything they went through. He didn't understand why he hated this precious child in the first place.

He found himself being crushed into a hug as he nodded.

"Promise." He asked as he let go of Sev after a few minutes settling into his lap again, and Severus felt content having his child so close to him.

"Always My prince." Harry giggled at the nickname as he replied with a yes dad before cuddling into Sev, who held him close.

"I think it's time to go to bed for my two little ones," Albus said, looking over at Draco, who was out in his own world pressed against Sev as He and Harry yawned simultaneously, making him laugh as he captured the precious moment with the camera, he had charmed to follow him around.

Severus looked at him, pouting.

"I am not little." He said at the same time as Harry, who was looking like a miniature replica of his father with green eyes.

"For me, you all are little," Albus replied, looking at Lucius, who had just stepped out of the floo and joined the pouting boys complaining about not being little.

All the commotion woke Draco from his slumber as he looked at his father sleepily who just gave him a rare smile.

"Should I pick both of you up too, but I might be too old for this. So, you need to walk without falling asleep, or I might have to drag you to your room."

That earned giggles from all four of his boys.

He led them all through the floo into their bedrooms in his quarters, with Severus carrying Harry and Draco leaning heavily on Lucius, half asleep.

Severus knew Harry might be too old to be carried around but his son was small as it is barely passing for an eight-year-old rather than twelve so Severus had no problem carrying him for a while not to mention the muscles he had worked over for years came in handy.

Lucius and Draco settled in the room they shared as Severus carried Harry to his own.

Draco liked to swap between Lucius and him when they were together so that he could get more cuddles from both his uncle and father. That thought made Sev look at Harry, who was dozing off on his shoulder.

His son never had anyone to cuddle till now, and he would make sure to change that.

He assured Albus he could handle sleeping with Harry when he asked to take Harry with him to his room.

He laid Harry down carefully, so as not to wake him up before getting in himself. Harry snuggled into him right away as he pulled his son closer, kissing his forehead before wishing him sweet dreams and closing his own eyes.

He woke up sometime later to small sobs from the little bundle beside him. The wetness underneath him spoke volumes. He sat up bringing Harry with him, comforting him the best he could.

He cleaned the bed and changed the sheets with a wave of his wand as he walked to the cupboard to find Harry something to wear.

Severus shrunk a pair of his clothes to fit Harry before setting to the work of changing his son as quickly as he could so that Harry didn't catch a cold. He finished in record timing as he lifted his son to settle him on his lap, rocking back and forth, attempting to get the child back to sleep.

"You won't send me back, would you? You will be here when I wake up?" A tiny and exhausted voice inquired from between the folds of his nightshirt.

"Always." He said as he placed a kiss over the mop of unruly hairs and watched Harry sleep before settling down for the night himself.




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