☆ 002 | Fun ☆

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Harry and Sev were having the best time of their lives. Sev had decided to take a stroll in a muggle zoo where they got to see an array of animals, Harry's favorite being snakes. It was fun talking to them as Sev grumbled about the annoying hissing sounds but the smile on his face told a very different story. They strolled, taking photos and having small treats. It was fun being able to spend quality time with each other. This was the best experience ever as either of them ever had. Harry has never been to a zoo or anywhere else for that matter. Severus had permitted him to take his camera along to take some snapshots here and there. They ended up with a lot of photos. They were all super cute because as Harry claimed he took them.

They also got to pet some baby elephants there. Harry's belly filled with fear and he almost had an accident but when Sev got closer to Erika, the baby elephant at the zoo. They have names. Isn't that cool? She poked Harry in the side and he was all giggly. She played with him in the sand and both got very muddy. Sev helped him clean up and then they visited a few more animals.

Severus had booked tickets for them to go for a movie together but they still had plenty of time on their hands before it began so decided to enjoy some rides in the amusement park. Harry screamed his heart out every time he was jolted in a ride. He had so much fun at the amusement park. After their exhausting adventure in the amusement park, father and son enjoyed a light meal in a Chinese restaurant near the theatre.

Watching Avengers on such a large screen was a fun experience for Harry as he had never been to a theatre. Severus got him some snacks of his choice from the stands. What really bothered him was Harry never made a single sound throughout the whole movie unlike the other teenagers who were howling and cheering while Harry quietly munched on his treats, sneaking around Severus' as well but nothing too energetic. Sev knew it would take time for his son to open up in the public but he just hoped the wait was worth it. Another thing he noticed was Harry never let go of his hand even with a minimal crowd which wasn't something a thirteen-year-old should do but he didn't ponder much over it, trying to enjoy the father-son duo day he planned out.

Their stop at the mall came a big surprise to Harry. He looked around the place in excitement but never asked for a single thing which Sev again found odd but didn't point out, nudging Harry every time he saw the boy look at something with shinning eyes. By the end of their small shopping trip Harry had only asked for an elephant pillow which he insisted on naming Erika. Sev did make sure to pick up a few more things here and there, especially the fluffy brown blankets with snitches that Harry couldn't take his eyes off.

After the mall, Severus took his son to Honeydukes where Harry didn't hold back, running about the shop asking for Sev to buy him a lot of sweets. They exited the shop, their hands filled with two large bags of sweets which Sev reminded himself to hide from naughty little hands.

Severus was shocked when Harry looked at him worried as he was dealing with the bill. Sev not liking the look he was getting got down to Harry's level asking him if something was bothering him or if he needed to use the facilities. When Harry shook his head in a negative response, he examined his son with worried eyes checking if Harry had gotten hurt somewhere.

"I don't bring money." Harry admitted in a small voice and Sev was confused as to why his son needed money.
"Why do you need money?" He asked but all he got as response were a few tears escaping his son's eyes. He was quick to wipe them away with the pad of his thumb, cupping Harry's cheek who leaned into his touch. That's when it clicked to him, wasn't he too familiar with the situation? Wasn't he exactly the same when Albus first bought him clothes and all the goodies?

"Harry," he said quietly, making his son look up at him.
"Where do your friends get all the things they have?" Sev questioned.
"From the store." Harry answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Severus chuckled at the response, shaking his head. His child was too innocent.

"Who bought the clothes and other things for them?" he rephrased his question.
"Their parents" Harry answered lowly.
"Exactly and who am I to you?"
"My Dad,"
"Then I will be the one responsible to get you anything you need. Do you get it now?"
Harry simply nodded, ashamed at his foolishness but he smiled when Severus told him to get his candies or else, he was going to eat it. They chased each other through Diagon Alley and a few gave them weird stares as they saw their scariest professor in casual clothes, playing and laughing with his son.

Severus apparated to the edge of Hogwarts, Harry sleeping peacefully on his shoulder. He walked to his chamber.

Severus got comfortable on the sofa, resting his head on the back of it. After changing and putting Harry to bed, he decided to shower and get the sweat out before changing into his night clothes. As tired as he was, they had a lot of fun. The smile on Harry's face was blinding as he enjoyed himself, running around and pointing out things, taking pictures here and there.

Sev was happy that they were able to spend some quality time together. He just hoped that Harry now believed that Sev would always be there to love and care for him. He looked at the sleeping child on the bed as he decided to check on him, his Hagrid bear acting as his cuddle buddy. Sev was amazed at the size of it as it was almost as big as Hagrid. He was sure that was Albus' doing as where would you even find a soft toy as big as a half giant. Sev kissed his forehead and retired for the night himself.....

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