☆ 01 | Diary ☆

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Dear Mumma,

I turned 8 today. I got this diary from the dustbin after Dudley threw it there, saying it was useless. I love to read and write, but I only get Dudley's old books, but still, I am happy with them. When I got this diary, I thought of writing to you. I know you can't read it now, but I've been praying really hard to God so that He can tell you about what I write for you. I know I might sound greedy, but I miss you. I wish you were here to love me and cuddle me just like Aunt Petunia does with Dudley, but I am happy here. I like my cupboard a lot. Aunt Petunia is so kind to take me in and feed me. Uncle Vernon sometimes gets angry, but that is because strange things happen around me. I try to control myself, but they happen anyways, just like magic. I will try hard next time to not be a good-for-nothing freak.

Love you lots, Harry

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