5. Adrenaline Junkie?!

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It was becoming the norm for them on holiday at the park, get up, wash and dress for the day and then head down for breakfast, order that they wanted, either talk mushy to each other aka Charlie and Tonks as she liked to be called instead of her real name Nymphadora no one minded much but is was kind of a bit to much.

Ginny was taken away for the day so then she could 'earn her keep' which everyone was happy about as she in Draco's terms which were a waste of space, out of sight out of mind in everyone else's view and Harry was happy about it the same with Otiz, he had decided to be in teenager form as he wanted to go on some of the faster more exciting rides that the park had to offer.

"Oh hurry up" whined Otiz which sounded like his child form which made harry laugh non stop making everyone smile, since Severus had decided to adopt the boy back in his second year they had seen more and more smiles and laughs coming from him then any of them knew what to do with him. he was really coming into his own person.

Yes he was James and Lilly's son, yes he looked like a spitting image of his father James but he was Lilly more than anything he could see it in all the little things he did and Severus was proud to have his hated bully's son as his own. His own flesh and blood so to speak... he was after all blood adopted so he was his own son, if only Harry's parents could see him now after what he had gone through he bet that they would be happy with his decision.

They all headed out to the park, they had made a progress of going from the slow and careful rides as not to over whelm Harry as he had never done anything like this before and to gain more experience on them, today would be the ultimate test for the boy which he couldn't wait for he was practically jumping up and down even at almost 14 years old.

Everyone laughed at this but seeing Harry happy was still something that they had to get used to.

Soon they were at one of the smaller coasters which was a hanging glider coaster called the Glider, simple enough and something to ease the boy into.

"This will be boring" said Blaise but he knew it was just the start and didn't want to take much away from Harry and soon all the children were on the ride.

Little did anyone know it was going to be one of the children's favourite rides out of the whole park, the adults waited down at the bottom while all ten children and a familiar went on the coaster, all you could hear as they came down were screeches of joy, or in Blaise, Draco and Percy a cry in fear and they just hoped that they wouldn't be ill afterwards.

Once they all got off and gave a potion to settle their stomachs all they heard from Harry was "again, again" over and over, it appeared that he loved anything fast well he was always going beyond the limit of how fast his own broom went so that wasn't much of a surprise that he wanted to go on something even faster than the norm.

"Hadrian calm down for a few minutes, my stomach has to settle a bit more" said Draco who smiled weakly at his boyfriend but it didn't help calm Harry down much all he did was whine but stayed put for a moment until the others felt fine and they were off onto the next ride.

The Oblivion was up next.

"That one!" pointed Harry as he practically dragged not only Draco with him but Sirius as well, this made the man gulp at it all.

"Off you go Padfoot you shouldn't be so scared you have your motor cycle" said Remus chuckling at his best/ boy friend.

"Um... yeah... ok" he gulped to Remus as the three got onto the ride and where soon strapped into it.

As the ride took off with the twins, Charlie and Tonks on board as well none of them noticed a certain blond Aristocrat on the ride as well, the had left his cane on the railing making the rest believe that he was down with them until...

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