19. First Task- Fleur

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Next Fleur was called out to face her dragon, she was so nervous she thought she might as well be sick but she fought through the feeling and slowly went out into the Arena the Beauxbaton's cheered for her this in turn made herself more nervous than beforehand.

She turned to face her dragon the Welsh Green stood before her and roared sending out a jet of flames at her she barely dodged it and hid behind a rock.

"Vhat day vant us to with dat dragon of all things! Day are dangerous for a reason" she said to herself but then she thought about her sister Gabriella and wondered if she was in her shoes would she of just ran and lose her magic or fight, she knew her sister her baby sister would never put her name in the Goblet but still she was the Beauxbaton champion after all and Harry was the youngest and he somehow got selected for this it could of been Gabriella instead.

She straighten he back up and slowly went towards the dragon who was curled around the nest it appeared that she was sleeping but she was in protection mode and she was going to protect them with everything she had.

Fleur went slowly around the dragon hoping praying even that she wouldn't get attacked but that was wishful thinking on her part, as she got closer the dragon looked up at the noise and blasted a jet of fire at Fleur who got burnt on her face.

She screamed in pure terror and in pain, she didn't sign up to face dragons of all things she thought she would have to do something less dangerous but here she was facing off against an angry dragon on a war path to most likely kill her.

She prayed to all the gods she could think of that she would get through all of this tournament most though through this first task without being killed again by the dragon.

Fleur looked dragon with egg, shit it was a nesting mother dragon! what in Merlin's name were they thinking?! nesting mother dragons were much more dangerous than any other dragon, the British Government, the British Ministry were complete and utter idiots.

The dragon Daybursun laid down by her eggs and told them that everything was going to be alright and that soon they would be back home where no one would be able to get hold of them again and that she as sorry that they had been captured for something that was endangering them.

She was going to get back at those handlers that brought her and the others here.

She raised her head at the noise of Fleur yet again getting closer to her and her nest, 'does the female hatchling not know how dangerous it was here' she thought to herself as she rose to her full height which was 18 feet, she stared down at Fleur.

'Stupid hatchling you will not come near me or my babies' and she blasted another jet of fire at her burning this time her arm causing her to cry out in pain 'sorry childe I really don't want to hurt you but I must protect them'.

 Fleur again screamed and grabbed her arm in pain, she raised her wand and took a deep breath and waved her wand towards the dragon and said the spell.

"Ad somnum" she waved the wand in the right movements and slowly the dragon started to drop off, at first she swayed and thank Merlin it didn't land on any of the eggs which Fleur was thankful for.

Sighing and slowly going over to the now sleeping dragon she was afraid that the dragon was going to wake she hoped that her spell lasted for her to get the egg and return to the tent with it.

As she stepped closer and closer as quietly as possible she finally reached the egg and the now sleeping dragon five minutes later as she reached for the egg the dragon moved in its sleep.

She froze the best she could leaning over the nest to grab the egg and let out a breath and the dragon settled down again, as she grabbed the egg and was on her way back the dragon snored in its sleep sending out a jet of flames towards the retreating girl.

As she was half way to the tent the jet of flame burnt her skirt making her scream and almost dropping the egg but she managed to keep hold of it and enter the tent.

Poppy was on her within seconds pushing everyone out of the way to get to the poor girl, "let me through now, come on dearie over to the bed next to Mr Diggory if you please and we will get you all patched up with some burn paste and a pain potion or two" she practically dragged the poor girl with her, this mad Otiz laughed.

"You can stop that or I'll let Hagrid on you, Mr Snape please keep your familiar away from the others while I heal them" said Poppy to the pair, making them gulp.

"Otiz be nice and was it me or did I hear the dragon speak?" said Harry to Otiz who was sitting on his hunches looking up at him who nodded.

"Parseltongue Hadrian, your gift to speak to snakes and when you think about it dragons are just huge winged snakes with an attitude problem" laughed Otiz as he changed into his teenage form.

"Well thanks for that really Otiz now I'm more scared than I want to be" said Harry who slipped down and hugged his knees.

"I never put my name in the damn thing and if I don't do this I will lose my magic which I don't want to happen to me, I'll lose dad, and Tommy and I could you Otiz but worse yet I could be sent back to them" he started to cry only to have Otiz hug him whispering that everything was going to be ok he would help in anyway he could.


Ad somnum- latin for 'put to sleep'

had to use Tommy here until something happens to change it all

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