22. Making Friends with the Dragons and finding a Kit

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Harry was brought into a tight hug by Severus, "I was so worried about you Hadrian are you hurt anywhere son?"

"No I'm fine I think?" he wasn't sure if he had heard the dragon or not and he didn't get burnt by the dragon at least, yeah he almost knocked himself out when he flew at the wall but other than that he was fine, completely fine, he was pulled from his father's grip and placed on a bed and now he had the over bearing Poppy Pomfrey to deal with, he loved her she was something like an aunt or a kind grandmother type but she could be so annoying he hadn't been really hurt since first year and when Severus saved his life at the beginning of second year so why was she acting like this he would never know.

"Now sit still and let me have a look at you Hadrian you gave us quite the scare when the dragon got loose and you almost flew into that wall, what were you thinking about doing something like that?" she asked him as she ran her wand over him.

"I would also like to know about that as well son" said Severus as he sat down on the bed, Otiz was curled up at the end and Draco was on his lap.

"Well it was either get crushed or let it be crushed?" he wasn't sure if that was a good answer but he was buzzing with adrenaline which was making getting a health reading from him almost impossible.

"Well I can say that from just minor burn marks he if completely fine but he's just got an adrenaline rush from it all, I'll have to take another reading a little later once he's calmed down most likely when he falls asleep but other than that he's fine doesn't need a potion or paste just some well deserved sleep that's all I recommend Severus, you can take him back to your room after Minister Crouch and Mr. Bagman tally the scores up" said Poppy as he tapped Severus' shoulder as she left.

"Dad, dad did you see me did you? did you?" it was like he had a tonne of sugar and was bouncing around like crazy aka a child Otiz that was.

"Yes Hadrian I did see and I'm thankful that you didn't get hurt but how about you stay there for the time being and rest you must be exhausted" said Severus to his son who had tried to get out of bed twice so far.

"I'm fine, I'm fine honest can I go please, pretty please?" he wanted out of the damn tent and for some reason to run around the Quidditch pitch ten times.

"I think not mister stay here and rest and we will soon find out who's first in a minute" Severus sighed and waited for them to announce the winner of the first task.

Crouch came up to the stand and to the mic giving it a wipe clean, he was a slight germaphobe, he coughed slightly getting everyone's attention, "well done to all of our champions, none of the dragons were harmed badly as well as our champions which is very good news. Now I would like to give the scores of our champions... in first place is Viktor Krum with his Conjunctivitis Curse, sadly he lost points due to the dragon destroying some of it's own eggs and Harry Potter with his use of the Accio Summoning Spell as well as out manoeuvring the deadly Hungarian Horntail.

In second place we have Cedric Diggory with his Transfiguring Spell Canem Mutatio (dog change) and last place sadly goes to Miss Fleur Delacour with her Charm Spell Ad Somnum (to sleep), now that you have your eggs the next task will be in three months that being said for some people that would be the 24th February, I bid you fair well and I will see you all at the Yule Ball choose your partners wisely" and he soon left. 


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As the day passed by Harry had fallen asleep a few time ad the adrenaline rush was soon over and done with which was a bonus for Severus and Tom they have never know how hyperactive Harry could be, they were so going to make sure he didn't get like that again he was a monster.

They had let him go for a walk in the fresh air to help wake him up a bit, he had Draco and Otiz with him as well as Theo and Blaise so they didn't have to worry about them that much as long as they were back in time for dinner and curfew at least.

Harry made a beeline for the dragons Draco holding onto his head and shoulders as he ran off poor Otiz had to run to keep up with him, Theo and Blaise went their separated ways once they knew where he was heading.

"Not to be funny Hadrian but I don't think that's a good idea those are dangerous animals, I think I'll go and read in the library if you need me" said Theo as he walked back into the castle.

"Yes Hadrian I don't think it will be mio amico (my friend), too dangerous,  molto pericoloso (very dangerous), I will leave you two and the fuzz to your own devices and I will see you at dinner tonight" and Blaise soon left as well.

"Ok those two are boring" said Otiz as he finally caught up to Harry who was now standing in front of four angry dragons.

They looked at him and Norberta and then realised who it was and smiled a dragon scary smile, this made Otiz back up slightly but Harry just stood there smiling at her.

"Norbert?" he asked only for her to laugh at him.

"No hatchling, Hagrid thought I was a boy but I am a female, he knows his animals but sadly he don't know how to tell us apart sadly, thank you for saving my eggs the same goes for Daybursun and Fonniot, sadly Flaencdra is rather upset as she crushed some of her eggs due to that boy and that curse" said Norberta very gently picking Harry up and placing him on her back.

"Wow so high!"

"Oh is this the hatchling you were on about Norie?" asked Fonniot to her only to make the dragon nod.

"Parseltongue is awesome I can understand you all!" this made the dragons laugh at him.

Flaencdra looked at Otiz and smiled "you are the one that protects this hatchling, guard him well young fox he will need it in the future in more ways than one", this made Otiz nod at it all he knew something was up but he just didn't know what though.

A whimper was heard from atop Norberta next to Harry which made him pick it up, "hey it's a fox kit, can I keep it please?" he looked down towards Otiz who just sighed up at his bonded human.

He jumped up onto the dragon and looked "well what do we have here then?" he picked up the kit who mewed at him which was translated to "bwother" and he curled up in his arms.

"Wow another kit!" cheered Harry holding onto the dragon.

They all laughed at the boy each one flapping their wings, the handlers were in awe at Harry as they watched from afar.


Dragon names are as followed: Swedish Short Snout- Fonniot which means Lady of the Blue, Welsh Green- Daybursun which means Founder of the Daylight, Chinese Fireball- Flaencdra- Queen of the Flame and lastly Hungarian Horntail- Norberta 

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