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Louis: LIAM 

Leeroy: Mister Tomlinson?

Leeroy: What can I do for you?

Louis: I think I have a bladder infection!

Louis: It hurts to pee!

Louis: I think I need to get checked!

Leeroy: I will take you, I will be there in 10 minutes!


Loubear: Hello Hazzy, I was at the hospital today. I have a bladder infection so I need to take special Antibiotics.  Everything is okay now! :) 

Loubear: Now I just miss you and I want to hug you. Hope you can come home soon Please!

Loubear: I love you. Good luck with the concert!

Hazzy: Hello baby, Thank you for the good luck. Are you really okay? Who was with you? You weren't alone, were you?

Hazzy: I miss you too!

Loubear: I'm fine, Liam was with me the whole time! the baby is fine too!

Hazzy:  That good. I will thank Liam for that. How is work? Still okay?

Loubear: Yes work is still okay. I'm just really tired after work. Lucky for me I have Liam to help me and watch movies with me!

Loubear: I would be better if you were here tho!

Hazzy: I wanted me to be there too! But soon!

Loubear: Yes soon. I hope soon is really soon!

Loubear: I will take a nap. Will talk to you soon! Love you!

Hazzy: Sleepwell, Love you very very much!


Harold: Hello Li, I want to thank you for being there for Lou and the baby.

Li: No problem, I will always be there!

Harold: Thank you! I hope I will be there soon for them!

Li: You will mate, I know for sure. 

Li: Go get ready for the concert!

Li: Good luck!!!

Harold: Thank you, Liam! Talk to you soon!!

Li: of course :)

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