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Zayn: Hey lou!

Lou: Hey zen! You okay?

Zayn: Yes just bored...

Lou: Do you want to watch a movie?

Zayn: Would be nice!

Lou: Aladdin?

Zayn: Yes! I head it was good!

Lou: Me to! See you at 7? I will ask li to!

Zayn: Okay ! See you!

This wasn't what Zayn planned...


Lou: LI!

Lima: Yes honey?

Lou: Wanna go to aladdin?

Lima: YES!

Lou: Tonight? With zayn?

Lima: Yes of course!

Lima: zayn is a nice guy!

Lima: Hazz thinks it's okay tho?

Lou: I didn't ask Harry.

Lima: why not?

Lou: why do i have to ask him?

Lima: Because he is your boyfriend!

Lou: I know he is liam! But i don't have a date! Zayn is a friend. You are a friend! I don't see the problem!

Lima: Harry won't like it if he don't know!

Lou: I will tell him! I just don't need his permissions to go!

Lima: okay okay see you at 7?

Lou: yes!


Hazzy: Louuu i misss you

Loulou: I miss you too!

Hazzy: What are you going to do today?

Loulouto the movie! Aladdin!

Hazzy: I want to go too!

Hazzy: With who?

Loulou: Li and zen!

Hazzy: Oh nice

Loulou: Yesss i love it!

Hazzy: I love you!

Loulou: Love you to!

Again that stupid Zayn! Why Zayn Why?

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