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Hazzy: Hello love! We have landed in Japan! I miss you!

Loubear: Hey! Is It late there?

Hazzy: Not that late no. You have lunch break?

Loubear: no, just no class atm.

Hazzy: How is school?

Loubear: great! There is a new teacher! My age! He is really nice!

Harry sigh. A new teacher. He don't trust other people with his lou. What is they use Louis because of he is Louis boyfriend?

Loubear: Still there?

Hazzy: Yes, sorry! How is the teacher? What's the name?

Loubear: It's zayn! He is 24 and he is the new art teacher! I think he will be mine new friend!

Hazzy: Would be nice! But you're still the youngest!

Loubear: oh shut up!

Hazzy: You love me!

Loubear: yeah, not so sure!

Hazzy: lou i know you love me!

Loubear: Do I?

Hazzy: Yes you do baby! You love me! You're my lobster!

Loubear: again friends? I hope we're not Rachel and Ross!

Hazzy: But i love Rachel and Ross!

Loubear: No Harry! I don't want a relationship like them!

Hazzy: I want a baby tho!

Loubear: me to but i won't name her emma!

Hazzy: when i'm back we will look for a baby!

Loubear: Of course! I will love that!

Loubear: i have to go love you❤️

Hazzy: I love you to❤️ have a great day!


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