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Limabeanie: Love how is your day?

Nini: Harold is pissed(•‿•)

Limabeanie: Why?

Nini: The zayn boy, lol.

Limabeanie: Jealous much!

Nini: He sure is!

Limabeanie: Zayn is just a nice guy! Louis has the rights to have friend.

Nini: I told him so. But you know Harry!

Limabeanie: He has no rights to be jealous tho.

Nini: He is just scared.

Limabeanie: Lou loves him so much! He will not cheat!

Nini: I know. Lou is my sweetheart!

Limabeanie: Oh is that so?

Nini: Yes. And your my love my life and my food!

Limabeanie: Your crazy!

Nini: of course i am! Love you li!

Limabeanie: Love you to darling!


Hazzy: How you doin'?

Loubear: Hello to you to Joey!

Hazzy: I'm Harry!

Loubear: I know love! How was your first concert?

Hazzy: really really well! I loved it so much!

Loubear: Ahw nice! You fans loved you!

Hazzy: Not so much as i love you!

Loubear: Sweety!

Hazzy: How is teaching?

Loubear: Good good! Happy zayn is here tho!

Hazzy: He is nice?

Loubear: Yes he really is! I think you will like him to!

Hazzy: Nice baby nice. I love you baby!

Loubear: I love you to! Sorry babe have to go! Go to sleep sweetheart!

Hazzy: Have a nice day love! ❤️❤️

Loubear: ❤️❤️



Japan was amazing! Love you all! All the love x h

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