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Zayn: Lou where are you?

Lou: at home.

Zayn: Sick?

Lou: Yes. The baby doesn't make it easy for me.

Zayn: I'm so sorry babes. It will get better!

Lou: Yes I know..now it just sucks

Zayn: Should I came after school?

Lou: Oh yes! Liam is coming to! Maybe we can watch a movie!

Zayn: Okay see you soon!

Zayn wants to be alone with louis. Just to talk to him and maybe kiss him


Hazz: How do you feel baby?

Lou: Hazzy I'm so sick!

Hazz: Is Liam coming?

Lou: Yea, Liam and Zayn are coming to watch a movie.

Hazz: zayn?

Lou: yes the other teacher.

Hazz: Oh right the art teacher!

Hazz: Go to sleep baby❤️

Lou: I will try! I love you!

Hazz: I love you so much! Take care please!

Lou: It will be okay hazz❤️❤️

Hazz: ❤️❤️

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