Happy Birthday, Arc.

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Plot: the speedster's birthday is up, and the others were working to plan something. During this, Ruby's having trouble picking out a gift for her speedy boyfriend. However, Lightning helps her with something special for Arc.

In Future City, the short-story shows a fight going on in a building that was experimenting with new energy sources. Unfortunately, one of the generators gets hit with a laser bolt, and it resulted in an explosion. However, everything was suddenly moving at an extremely slow rate. Footsteps are then heard, and the camera pans up to show Arcturus (in his 3rd outfit) walking up with a pair of electric blue headphones on his head. He stops in front of the building, and looks up as he plays his music.

(Cue Sweet Dreams)

Arcturus: looks like I came here just in time.

In a flash of blue lightning, Arc races through the building until he reaches the basement. There he sees the explosion moving slow, and looks back to see the fight.

Arcturus: Clara, how many people do we got in the building?

Clara: from the latest scan, I'd say about 46 people total. At your current speed, you can get a majority out normal style. However, you'll need to be a bit creative with a few of them.

Arcturus: (smiles and pops his fingers) you got it!

Turning around, Arc moves fast enough to grab the people fighting, and runs them to where the police cruisers were. He drops them off, and runs back and begins to run around, getting people out of the building. As he does, the explosion was slowly moving through the place, destroying everything. However, Arc was fast enough to get people to safety. This included people from the restroom, private meetings, offices.

At one point, he's on a balcony where he found a couple. The girl looked scared, and upon looking, Arc saw why. The guy had his eyes closed, and was doing a bad open mouth kiss.

Arcturus: (cringed) she can do better than this.

Clara: I'm an A.I., and even I find this disgusting.

Breaking this, Arc grabs both of them, and throws them off the balcony. He runs back in, and continues moving people out. He got further creative  by wrapping one person in lounge pillows and tossing them out like a burrito. Then, he moonwalks to a hallway, where he rips off the curtains, hangs them out on lamp posts, and tosses the people out.

This goes on for a bit more until he makes the last stop with two people. He grabs both of them, kick a table at the window, and rides it out while the explosion consumes the rest of the building. He continued to ride it down until he makes it to the others. Time fully resumes, and the people that were thrown off, landed safely as they processed the fact that they just survived an explosion.

(End music)

Arcturus: (calls his friends) Jaime, Yuri, the people are safe, and I've got a bunch of bad guys waiting in police cars.

Jaime: dude! You did that in 3 seconds?! What!?

Arcturus: I've been practicing.

Clara: it definitely payed off.

Yuri: nice work, Speedy. (Ends call)

Arc then runs off home. As he does, he stops by people and gives them high fives, pictures, and just to say hello. With everything going on, Clara made sure to seclude one specific event that was coming up in a couple days.

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