3 - The Next Generation (part 1)

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"Lucas! Andrea! get down here! Just because your aunt is the headmistress at your school doesn't mean you are allowed to be late!"

"Coming mom!"

A moment later the set of twins comes down the stairs talking and laughing as usual.

"Good morning mom!" they say in unison.

"Good morning loves, come on your mother is waiting in the car." Hope replies

The twins look at each other in shock "You're coming with us?!"

Hope smiles "Yes, I have to help some students that struggle in your mom's class and a bunch of others who I promised to spar with."

As you've probably realized, Lizzie took over the Salvatore school once Alaric was way too old for being a headmaster, The twins decided that she should be headmistress since Josie has kids to worry about as well, so she is now a teacher for offensive magic and the school's counselor.

As for Hope, she is what they like to call 'campus mentor' which means that she is considered a teacher but she doesn't teach her subject, nor full classes, she teaches those who fall behind in class, having issues controlling their powers, and even those who feel small and weak in between everyone. Something she wishes she had when she was at school.

"Students fall behind in mama's class? How?" Lucas smirks, but he soon stops after getting a scolding look from his mom.

"Well Mister know all, not everyone has the privilege to have their teacher as their mother or being taught magic since they can walk. Now, take your books, and let's go."

Lucas lowers his head "sorry mom" he mumbles.

"It's okay love, just think about it next time and maybe offer some help to your classmates as well? You'll never know when life decides to give you back a favor. The same goes for you, Andy."

"We know mom, come on aunt Liz won't be so forgiving if we're late again" Andrea answers.

You are probably wondering how can they be late if they go to the Salvatore boarding school right?

The family of 4 lives in the Mikaelson manor in mystic falls, as Hope's family still owned the place and gave it to them when to couple got married.

A few minutes later they all arrived at the school, the twins run to class with their friends while Hope and Josie go to see Lizzie.

As the two walk into Lizzie's office, they see the headmistress talking to a little girl wearing the school's uniform. Neither Hope nor Josie recognizes her so they assume she is new.

Hope knocks on the wall, making their presence known "Hey Liz and another young lady that we haven't met yet, What's your name kiddo?"

The little girl bows her head down shyly "D-Dani ma'am"

Both Hope and Josie could sense that the girl is a little wolf who is about to turn and searches for a pack.

Josie sits down next to Dani "I'm guessing it's short for Danielle?" the girl just nods, trying to avoid eye contact.
"Hey, Dani? How about you go with Hope for a little walk, talk about everything you told me? I'm sure she will be able to help you with everything." The headmistress offers. Hope sends a small smile to the girl, who in return stands up and walks out of the room with her, leaving the sisters in Lizzie's office to catch up on work.

Hope decided to take the girl to the gym. The trio had it renovated and made it a lot more modern with tons of new equipment and machines.

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