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"They're not here?"

Bella asked Elena as they headed to their friends to eat lunch.

"I guess not."

"It's not sunny."

"I know Bells." Elena had a gut feeling that they were the reasons the Cullen's didn't show up for school today. They were going to have a lot of explaining to do when Elena sees them again.


After school the girl's drove home in Bellas truck.

"Is that Edward?" Elena asked as they parked in the driveway.

"Yeah." Bella bit her lip with a sigh.

"I'll see you inside." Bella nodded in response as Elena got out of the car. Elena waved a quick Hello to Edward who gave her a nod in return and Elena went inside. She had hoped Jasper would be here too once she entered the bedroom.

For the first time, he wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Jas?" She called out. No answer.

Elena sighed and placed her backpack down on her chair and sat down on her bed. She laid back and noticed an envelope tucked under her pillow but visible enough to where she would see it.

Her name was written across it in beautiful cursive handwriting.

Immediately she recognized it as Jasper's handwriting and opened it. Elena unfolded the letter and begun to read it.


I'm so sorry for having to do this through a letter but I know if I had seen you in person I wouldn't be able to leave or say any of what I am about to say. We have to leave forks. Carlisle does not look like the age he is supposed to be portraying. I know you out of all people will not believe that but it is true so we must leave Forks and not come back. I hope you will be able to forgive me for leaving you through a letter and I am genuinely sorry for doing this to you. I never wanted to hurt you but I know I have. I wish I could take back what I did on your birthday but that is something I cannot do, it haunts me to have seen the look on your face when I lost control. I wish I could take it all back. This has helped me realize that you do not belong with a monster like me. I am dangerous. I am terrible. I could never make you as happy as a human male could. I will not be returning. Please watch over yourself. Be safe. Promise me.

I love you. I am sorry.


Elena wiped away the tears that had fell from her eyes as she read the letter. Jasper and the Cullen's had left. "Edward." She whispered to herself before running down the stairs and out the door to find Bella and Edward. Neither were in her field of vision. "Edward!" She yelled loudly. Elena knew he would be able to hear her. "Bella!" She yelled even louder. Neither answered. Elena felt the realization of what had happened settling on her.

"Bella!" She yelled louder and took off into the woods to find the couple. Theres no way Bella would've talked Edward into letting her leave with them right? Elena walked through the woods until she couldn't anymore. She collapsed underneath a tree and started crying. She screamed and cried for what felt like eternity until she passed out.


"Found her." A shirtless man spoke to another. The two men have been looking for the twins and after finding Bella they found Elena. Elena stirred lightly as one of them picked her up but she was so exhausted she stayed asleep.

"The Cullens made them like this?" The younger one asked his alpha.

"Yeah. I guess so." He replied.

"They must've really had them in the palm of their hand." The boy pulled Elena closer to him to keep her warm in the cold night.

"Let's just get them back home safely Paul." The alpha ordered.

"Will do Samuel." Paul winked jokingly and chuckled lightly.

Elena cuddled up to Paul's body unknowingly and held onto his neck. "She seems so nice." Paul spoke as he looked down at her.

"According to Billy, she is. Elena is very outgoing and a sweetheart. Which those leeches don't deserve to have in their life. They especially don't deserve Elena or Bella." Sam spoke.

"Then we protect them from them." Paul declared.

"We will." Sam nodded before the two of them exited the forrest to the search party in front of the Swan residence that was trying to locate both girls.

The Swan Twins / New MoonWhere stories live. Discover now