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"If I told you, I couldn't have fixed these bikes, what would you have said?"

Elena, Jacob and Bella were driving in the truck to a place where they could test ride the death machines that Bella had Jacob fix. Elena was at the window seat, Bella driving and Jacob was in between both girls. Elena was very happy to not have been there since she had won Rock Paper Scissors against her best friend.

The three had been spending more time together these past few weeks rebuilding the bikes, with the occasional Quil and Embry joining. Quil had developed quite a crush on Bella while Embry was enjoying his time with Elena. The duo would sometimes do food runs together when the five of them were hanging out but Elena didn't mind, at least she had someone to distract her from missing the Cullen family.

Though recently Embry was simply just not coming around anymore. Elena had asked Jacob once about Embry's whereabouts but he had just said something about joining the other hall monitors on steroids. This was just super funny to Elena but she did miss the friend she had just met.

"Are you doubting your mad skills?" Bella asked jokingly.

"No! Definitely not," Jacob smiled, "I mean they'll run fine. It's just, maybe if I was smart I would've dragged out the rebuild a bit." The boy kept his eyes on the road when he spoke not wanting to make eye contact with either girl. Elena could feel how he felt though. She could see it also. He loved both girls of course but in different ways. Elena was his best friend but he was in love with Bella.

Elena nudged his shoulder a bit and gave him a reassuring smile.

"If you had told me you couldn't fix these bikes, I would just say that's really too bad. That we're just going to have to find something else to do." Bella looked to her best friend.

Jacob just smiled and laughed as he was happy with her answer. Bella looked away from him with a small smile.

"Is that Sam Uley?" Bella asked pointing with her finger, hand still on the steering wheel to four men at the top of a cliff pushing each other around.

"What's the temperature outside? Because I'm sure it's way too cold to be hanging around outside with absolutely no shirt on." Elena scoffed.

"Yeah, that's him. Him and his cult." Jacob sent a glare towards them even though they couldn't see it. The three teenagers watched the group as three of the men pushed the fourth off the cliff.

"Oh my god!" The twins said out loud. Bella quickly pulled the truck over to the side of the road and jumped out.

"Did you see that?" Bella asked running.

"What does she think she's gonna do for him?" Elena asked rolling her eyes before jumping out of the truck to meet her sister who had ran over to the other side of the road.

Jacob hopped out of the truck laughing as he stood next to Elena at the hood of the truck. "They're not really fighting Bella. They're cliff diving. Scary as hell, but a total rush." Another one of the group tossed himself off the cliff. Elena suddenly felt horrified at the thought of doing such a thing.

"A rush?" Bella asked not bothering to look back at the two people waiting on her.

"Yeah, most of us jump from lower down. We leave the showing off to Sam and his Disciples." Jacob's voice lowered. He was angry that one of his best friend's abandoned him and his own best friend to join Sam and their group.

"Do you have some kind of beef with them or something?" Bella had finally turned around and made her way back over to the truck.

"Please look both ways Bell. You give me anxiety!" Elena grumbled as she rolled her eyes. She knew her sister had suddenly developed a lack of safety. Jessica had brought it up when Bella had apparently jumped on the back of some random man's motorcycle when they were supposed to have a movie night.

"I don't know." Bella leaned against the truck next to Jacob. "They just think they run this place. Embry used to call them Hall monitors on steroids." He laughed. The mention of her new friend's name gained Elena's attention. "Now look at him."

"That's Embry?" Elena asked squinting her eyes hoping that would make her vision better. Of course, it didn't work.

"Yeah." Jacob replied. He could see the sadness in her eyes. The person who was helping her cope with her loss had also abandoned her. Jacob could kill Embry for making the poor girl hurt.

"What happened to him?" Bella turned to Jacob. Elena looked both ways before jogging across the street she leaned over the fenced edge to see Embry's body hit the water. When he resurfaced he let out a yell and swam his way back to the shore to meet up with Jared and Paul.

Elena drowned out Jacob and Bella's conversation and all she could focus on was Embry. From the distance he looked so different but he was also so happy. She could feel it. "I'm glad you're feeling better Embry. I miss you." Elena spoke softly with a sad smile. As long as he was happy and healthy, that's all she really cared about.

Embry from far away could hear her words and stopped when he was walking towards his friends. He wanted more than anything to look back towards the girl but he knew he couldn't. He knew of her secret and couldn't stand to be near her knowing what he knew now. But he did miss the girl. She had quickly become one of his best friends in the few weeks they had known each other.

"Elena. Come on!" Bella called to her sister who quickly went back and joined the duo to drive to their original destination.

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