Chapter 3

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When the moon was at it's highest and silverpelt shone brightly in the sky, the cats began the gathering.

"Cavestar, you may begin," Mistystar exclaimed, her voice booming throughout the island.

"Windclan has been fortunate throughout this whole Leaf-fall," Cavestar began, "we have three new kits; Bluekit, Lakekit, and Stormkit, and Peachpaw has earned her medicine cat name as Peachfur." At this, multiple cries of "Peachfur" ran through the island.

When Squirrelstar looked at Shadowclan, she realized that they weren't shouting Peachfur's new name with he rest of the clans. But it was obvious why...

"Mistystar," Cavestar exclaimed, "you are now permitted to speak."

The Riverclan Leader replied, "thank you, Cavestar. I pray to Starclan your clan continues to be fortunate throughout the upcoming Leafbare."

Then she exclaimed across the island, "Riverclan is also doing well! Otterkit and Fawnkit have also become apprentices!" She let the cats shout their names before continuing slowly and cautiously, "but the twolegs have expanded their thunderpaths, and I want to ask Windclan if we could possibly be so gracious to give us some of their territory-"

Cavestar immediately scowled, "Riverclan will have none of our territory!"

Mistystar looked nervous and anxious as she begged, "please, Cavestar. I beg of you. If we don't have more territory now, we'll all die."

"You mousebrained idiot! I don't give territory to fish-eaters!" Cavestar hissed.

"Please," Mistystar tried one last time. But it was no use, Cavestar had already made up his mind.

"Stuff that plea up your furry fish-loving butt Mistystar," Cavestar scowled.

Mistystar just sighed, "Beaststar, you are now permitted to speak."

"With pleasure, Mistystar," Beaststar replied, "tonight I'll pray to Starclan for a safe Leafbare in Shadowclan and Riverclan."

Then the brave leader stopped for a heartbeat before announcing, "Shadowclan's territory is no longer inhabitable!" Shocked gasps ran through all the clans in the crowd except for Shadowclan. "The twolegs have driven their monsters off the thunderpaths to cut down all of Shadowclan's trees. We are no longer safe. I had kept this a every from you all the last couple of gatherings, but now we need help. We need to join Shadowclan cats with other clans."

Much protest rose up about that.

"Thunderclan would be happy to help as long as the other clans are willing to as well," Squirrelstar exclaimed, putting hope into Beaststar's mind.

"Thank you Squirrelstar," Beaststar responded, "I knew I could count on Thunderclan to help me out in this sticky situation Shadowclan is in."

"Mistystar?" Squirrelstar asked for Beaststar, looking down at the Riverclan leader.

Mistystar, after some thought, announced, "Riverclan has always stayed true to the promise made so many moons ago; the promise to protect other clans when in the time of need. Tonight is not the night we break that promise."

Beaststar smiled and exclaimed, "thank you Mistystar. Your clan truly shows the great feeling of empathy when needed."

Then all the leaders turned to Cavestar. He was the last one to decide. Until eventually he scowled, "I guess I could always use an extra warrior or two. I'll take half of your warriors and their apprentices."

"Thank you, everyone. You have no idea how happy you've made me and my clanmates tonight," Beaststar exclaimed before adding, "Squirrelstar, you are now permitted to speak."

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