Chapter 5

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Mapleleaf scowled, "don't you dare eat those deathberries."

"But they're they only thing I can use to escape," Squirrelstar replied.

"Escape what?" Mapleleaf asked, "your clan? Your clanmates? Your responsibility over all of us, your duty, your sacred connection with Starclan we all aspire to have?"

"I don't want it anymore," Squirrelstar explained, "can't someone else take it? Take the burden from off my shoulders?"

"No, we can't. This is your responsibility, your burden that you have to carry. You're strong enough to carry it, you're just starting to doubt your strength," Mapleleaf explained.

Squirrelstar questioned, "can you take the burden from my shoulders?"

"No, this is your burden, you must carry it without me. Only Cloudfur, Finchwing, and Fruitleaf can help you," Mapleleaf explained.

"But what if you weren't the cat who'd have to take up my duties," Squirrelstar suggested, "what if you were just the messenger?"

"I don't understand, mom," Mapleleaf exclaimed, "I don't know what you mean."

"You're my messenger, Mapleleaf. You need to find the bearer of the burden," Squirrelstar said, a smile breaking onto her face as she pawed a deathberry with her paw.

Mapleleaf asked, "could you put it into simpler words, mother?"

"It's time my paws walked among the stars. You can't stop me, Mapleleaf. I've made my choice," Squirrelstar explained, "I don't want the burden I pass down upon a single warrior with my death to fall upon you. I want you to choose who it falls down upon."

Mapleleaf didn't hesitate to cry, "but I hardly know any of these warriors! All the cats I know are probably dead, everyone's dying of sickness, the only cat I know I can trust is my apprentice, who do I choose?"

"I have an idea, just follow my lead," Squirrelstar sighed, walking out of her den, leaving the deathberries behind.


Ivypaw had been sitting outside with Snowpaw, trying to calm her down whilst Fruitleaf helped Finchwing put herbs all over Snowpaw's wounded leg when she saw Squirrelstar jump onto the he highrock, announcing a clan meeting.

Ivypaw could catch Cinderstorm ask Beetleshell, "does this normally happen every day in Thunderclan?"

Beetleshell shook his head and replied, "not every day. Usually it's just going to sleep with an empty belly. It's been a long time since the twolegs attacked us. This is only the third time in my lifetime. I promise, it's rare. You'll be safe."

But what Squirrelstar now said was even more surprising. "Before we depart to save Cloudfur, Foxface, and the rest of the patrol, there is one matter I must tend to," she announced.

The clan started talking. What could be more important than saving warrior lives, warriors including their deputy?

"Ivypaw," Squirrelstar exclaimed.

All heads and eyes turned to the shaking apprentice. She asked, "what do you need of me, Squirrelstar?"

"You are no longer Ivypaw," Squirrelstar announced, "but you are Ivyleaf from this day until you receive your nine lives from Starclan."

Ivypaw, now Ivyleaf, exclaimed, "what in Starclan!?"

"You're going to become a leader soon, Ivyleaf. I left the entire decision of who should be the next leader to Mapleleaf, and she chose you," Squirrelstar explained.

Mapleleaf then dashed out of the leader's den, yelling, "SQUIRRELSTAR!"

The leader turned around and hissed, "took you long enough."

Mapleleaf looked around to see the entire clan staring at the two in shock and confusion. The daughter asked, "what did you do?"

"Squirrelstar," Mossheart scowled, "you owe me an explanation. You are a fox-hearted mousebrain for what you are about to do."

Mapleleaf questioned, "what was she about to do?"

Ivyleaf just stood in shock as Mossheart screeched, "it wasn't even a proper warrior ceremony! She hasn't even had an apprentice yet!"

Mapleleaf gasped, "Squirrelstar! You're making her the leader?"

"Ivykit became Ivypaw, and today Ivypaw became Ivyleaf. In a few days, Ivyleaf will be Ivystar," Squirrelstar explained, acting stuck-up, refusing to hear the cat's complaints with her reasoning. Then she thought for a second before adding, "y'all know what? How about Snowpaw and Fluffypaw become Warriors too. Just to make it fair. How about Snowtail and Fluffytuft?"

Snowtail just stood in her spot and meowed quickly, "just when I thought I was going to forever be an apprentice." But that didn't mean that she wasn't incredibly confused and clueless to what in Starclan was actually happening.

Just then, Silvertail touched her tail against Snowtail's tail, gazing sympathetically at her. No doubt there was a thing going on between Fluffytuft and Silvertail or Snowtail and Silvertail. But then Silvertail asked, "what's going to happen to you, Squirrelstar?"

Just then a terrible cry was heard as Finchwing dashed out of the medicine cat den. "Squirrelstar?" She questioned, "where's Squirrelstar?"

"Took you even longer," Squirrelstar muttered.

Finchwing noticed where her mother stood before shouting, "don't take those deathberries! I know you have them!"

The clan rose up in chatter about the deathberries whilst Squirrelstar looked around at her clanmates and Shadowclan cats telling her not to eat them and end her life.

Then one cat spoke up and exclaimed, "she's going to eat the deathberries!"

Squirrelstar muttered, "as if it wasn't as obvious enough." She yowled, "I'll see y'all when your paths intertwine with the stars but for now, screw you Thunderclan! It's a death sentence to stay here! You're all going to die! Give the dark forest a 'hello' for me when you get there!"

Then she dashed into her den, disappearing for good. Every cat let her be alone to kill herself. They all knew there was no use stopping their leader's insanity as it had always been there ever since her birth, and no other cat could save anyone as insane and dangerous as Squirrelstar.

(957 words)

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