Final Chapter 38

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(play song during chapter its a must )

~Time Skip 6 months later~


"Good morning Beautiful" Levi whispered in my ear on a Thursday morning

" I am not beautiful I'm pregnant and my back hurts and I have had this same knot in my hair since Monday and.." I went to continue but was kissed

"Levi you can't do that every time I try and..." I was trying to say as he kissed me again

"Sure I can and plus it works" he smirked at me and got off the bed

"So what's today" I asked as I put my hair in a bun

"We are preparing for the expedition thats going to take place tomorrow" he said

"Oh" I respond looking out the window

" stop worrying everything is going to be fine its a routine expedition nothing we can't handle" he said as he walked around the bed and kissed my forehead

"I know I know" I said as I stood up, but as I did something began to run down my leg

"Levi, Leviii" I yelled as I looked at what I assumed was my water that just broke or my bladder gave out on me

"What stop yelling" he said as he walked back into the room

"My water! I think it broke" I said as I looked at him

Before I even knew what's happening I've been picked up and we are running down the hall

"Holy shit Levi slow your ass down" I screamed as he jumped down a flight of stairs

"Ohhh what's happening with my two favourite love birds" Hanji yelled as she ran the same speed as Levi

"My water broke" I yelled back

"Yaaayyyyy it's baby time!!!" She said as she jumped in the air

"I'll go get a carriage!!!" Hangi yelled and ran the other way

As she ran, we had just exited the building

"Levi you can slow down, everything is going to be fine" I said as I gave him a squeeze

"Alright, are you sure you are ok?" He asked as he slowed down

"Yes I'm fine" I smiled at him

Hanji began to pull up with the carriage

"Alrighty you guys go and I will go tell Erwin, I'll see yall at the hospital"

"Thank you Hanji" I said as levi placed me in the carriage

"Ok you Ready?" Levi asked as he look back at me from the drivers seat

" Yea lets have a baby" I said and smiled

~Time Skip~

I'm currently sitting in the hoispital room in a lot of pain, and Levi is currently signing me in and grabbing some clothes.

"Hello Mrs. Ackerman, how are you doing?" a Nurse asked me

"HOw am I dOing???" I said under my breath repeating her

"sorry what was that Mrs. Ackerman?" she asked

"I said I'm just peachy " I smiled at her

"Thats good and I'm just going to see how many centimeters you are, ok?"

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